Chapter 3

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"Woohoo!!" I shout. Who knew flying could be so exhilarating!? Living with Night Furies is awesome. They thought me flying techniques that I never knew existed. Seeker and the gang are like a second family to me. However, this time I intend not to lose them. "Hey, Fire!!" I look around to see who called me. "Oh, hi-ya, DarkFlame!!" "Wanna race?" He just had to ask that. Rolling my eyes I reply: "Of course. Ready ... Set ... Go!!" In an instant, I was a crimson blur. If you were to see me you would think that I was a comet. I was in the zone. "Yahoo!!!" Making a sharp right turn I manage to go even faster. All of a sudden something hits me and I'm sent falling. "AAAAHH!!" Before I fall to my death I use a trick Seeker taught me. By spreading my wings open the wind pushes my body up and away from the roaring seas. Gaining back my balance I look around in search for what hit me. "Look out, StarFire!!" Turning to my right I see something that made me falter in the sky. I was frozen on the spot. I only moved when DarkFlame pushed me and that sent me flying to warn the rest of the gang. Reaching the island I let out a distressed roar. "Seeker we have incoming!! Fleshbags are coming!!" I yelled. This can't happen again. "StartFire you must fly away from here we will distract them!!" What!? Are they crazy!? No, if anyone is distracting those flesh bags it's going to be me. With that in mind I take off in the directions the dragon killers were coming from. I faintly heard Seeker call back to me. Reaching their boat I shot a smoke bomb at them. Hearing their screams of surprise put a smirk on my face. However, that smoke was soon wiped off when something rammed into me. Regaining focus I realize that what had hit me was a .... Dragon? Not having time to ponder why they were fighting me I was hit again. Having enough with being hit I shoot acid at them. (A/N Now that StarFire is getting older she's unlocking some of her powers. More will be explained later on. Right now you must worry about her safety!) Screeching in pain they back away from me. Before I can finish my attack I hear something that I never wanted to hear again. It was the gang. It sounded like they were being attacked. Flying like a jet I go back to the island only to stop in my tracks at the sight before me. A big gruff looking fleshbag was on the island, but what shooked me the most was what was lying before him. Seeker, Lightning, DarkFlame, Midnight and Scarlet were on the ground blood surrounding them. All I felt was pure anger. I dove towards the fleshbag and when I knocked him down I bit on his arm hard. The fleshbag screamed in pain but I was far from done with him. I bit down harder on his arm and using my acid I started to tear his arm off. After one final tug, it came off. The fleshbag was in complete agony. Serves him right tho. When I went to deliver the final blow he did the strangest thing. He summoned ... dragons to come to his aid!! Knowing then and there that I wouldn't be able to face 6 dragons alone I took off. I flew until I couldn't see the island anymore. I kept flying until I reached a small island that looked like a safe place to crash. Looking around I find a small cave and decided to rest in there. However, rest didn't seem to come that easy. I kept seeing my family and the gang's lifeless body. To ease my mind I start singing a song that always seems to cheer me up. "I've gotta keep the calm before the storm. I don't want less, I don't want more. Must bar the windows and the doors. To keep me safe, to keep me warm. Yeah, my life is what I'm fighting for. Can't part the sea, can't reach the shore. And my voice becomes the driving force. I won't let this pull me overboard". Before sleep overtook I kept one thing in mind ... For now on I have to keep my head above water.

In the back of my mind was a thought I wished I never had. Will I ever find a place to live that won't be destroyed? Maybe one day I'll find out but as of now, sleep is calling. 

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