Chapter 2: First Step

Start from the beginning


He read the message again and again. 

‘Certain words??? ’ What words could he use now! So far all he had read had been names of stuff from the real world. Though now that he thought it, what were real world books doing here in the first place. 

‘I guess it’s for the adventurers like us. It’s to help us start learning the language.’

‘But the bigger question is what words can I use now? How do I find that out? Should I start talking to the npcs trying words in random?’ Raka was confused.

He looked at the message again.

‘Hmm, age is 2. What could it mean….’

On a hunch, he took out a book that looked like a story book. He looked at the cover. The title was still in the island’s language. He recognised some characters having seen them before but he still couldn’t understand it. 

Still he opened the book and looked at one of the pages.

Raka smiled.

‘So that’s how it works.’

On the page he found some words in English. The rest were still in the island’s language though. So the more I learn the language, the more the system translates the local language into my language. It was similar to Royal Road in that sense as the system translated all languages into your language. But in this case the system had a condition of you needing to learn the native language first. 

He opened one of the picture books he had read before and saw that all the words had been translated to English now. 

‘That confirms it.’

Raka was feeling quite pleased with himself when,

“Satiety has reduced to 10. You are hungry. If Satiety falls more, you will be affected by negative conditions.”

He opened his bag and took out a piece of bread. Took a bite and,


The bread was tough and pretty hard to eat. It tasted bland and tasteless. He somehow bit into it, piece by piece, chewed and swallowed.


Satiety increases by 30


For now he was good. He took a water canteen and took a drink.


Satiety increases by 5


‘Well if I have to eat it again, I might pass out from the strain of chewing’. 

Deciding that, he stood up and made for the streets. He would try one of those methods of getting food he had read about.


Raka walked the streets looking for a food shop. Though he didn’t have any money yet he figured he had a better chance of begging food from a food shop than anywhere else. He walked around looking at the various shop displays.

There were a lot of stores on the island. He passed by looking at their window displays for a bit. A shop was displaying some designer clothes; the one next to it had a leather armor display on a mannequin while the one across the street had a heavy armor display. Walking a little more, he could see a shop displaying all sorts of knick knacks. It seemed interesting so Raka looked a little more closely. There were all sorts of things made from metal, stone, strings, sea-shells and things he couldn’t recognize. The more he saw it the more it looked like one of those tourist stores which sell souvenirs. 

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