14 1 4

Life's overrated.

It was that thought that went through my mind as I entered the living room of our house. It sounded like a cat was being hung, surrounded by a bunch of huskies, hyenas and other fanged animals. Not a pleasing sound.

I inched towards the door and swung it wearily. Something went flying my way and I ducked, then heard groaning and swearing behind me as it struck Dragon straight in the face. I ran to him: his nose was bleeding.

"Are you okay?" I asked, trying to keep the bemusement out of my face. He glared up at me and joined the fray.

I cautiously edged towards the brawl, inwardly wincing as I stood frozen in shock and twisted amusement at the mess they've made "arguing". I let out a shaky breath, wondering what it was about this time.

Can't I ever catch a break? 

Katarina was held upside down by Hawk, wearing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt that appeared to be mine and they were not a good fit. She kicked and shrieked. It was her that sounded like the cat being strangled, while Hawk grumbled and grunted unintelligibly under his breath threatening her life. She didn't even flinch as she squealed her own threats and insults against him. 

Sunshine was tending to Darling, who sat on his ass whining about a broken nose that Dragon had given him after realising he was the one that threw the vase at him. He'd intended it for Hawk, but Darling was drunk out of his ass and so, he was seeing three times as many Hawks as there should be.

Grace, the little princess, was hanging on to Hawk's leg: only reaching the knees. She was shrieking at him for two things that I could make out; Hawk had taken her chocolate, which was her main concern. The second part of her rant was for him not to kill the greenie, though even I was tempted to at that point.

Unable to bear the ever-rising volume of sound –I whistled loudly to get their attention. They stared at me for a moment, then attacked me all at once –with their words and voices –until they've got me surrounded by their endless gibberish rant. I covered my highly sensitive ears with my leather-gloved hands and cursed multiple times under my breath... again.

"Would you stop it!?" I asked rhetorically as I straightened myself and glared at them. Katarina chuckled and I glared at her.

"He started it!" The five of them said simultaneously pointing at one another, Sunshine simply rolled his eyes at their act and stepped closer to me, his arms crossed over his chest. His bright blond hair was matted to his forehead with sweat and blood and his pale complexion flushed: his glasses gone from his face, it caused his turquoise eyes to squint in the dim light.

"Hawk took my chocolate!... also he tried to kill Greenie." Grace argued pointing at Nighthawk who gave me a sheepish grin. I ignored her, which caused her to pout in frustration, sticking her tongue out at Hawk who seemed as if he enjoyed it and then at me. She spun on her heels and left the main quarters, her auburn, medium length hair bouncing over her shoulders as she stomped out. We simply stared at her in sadistic amusement.

"Anyway..." Sunshine explained. "What they meant to say was that Hawk had insulted newbie, holding her up like some sort of dolly and she kicked him for it. He rampaged and was trying to kill her for the last two hours. All the while Darling sat there..." Sunshine explained indicating a large bookshelf with a nod which sat in the corner of the room near the low ceiling. "taking Darling's my-sole-purpose-in-life-is-to-piss-off-any-and-every-person attitude into consideration," He let out an exaggerated breath as he continued. "he sat on the bookshelf eating popcorn and watching the two of them go at it as I desperately tried to stop them from slaughtering each other... and then I tried to stop them from killing Darling for laughing and mocking them. I do believe however that he deserved a good beating, but considering that I'm the one who would have to stitch him together and how he whines like a little girl every time, I refrained...mostly. I had finally threatened not to feed him if he wasn't going to put an end to the madness and get off his ass and so he somehow thought to through the vase! See what the hell I have to deal with!" He explained as we turned to face Darling who gave us a sarcastic salute, pointing to his face in anger.

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