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- "Why don't you sing with me, brother?"

- "Cause you're gone."

Year of 3130. November. 1st

They locked me up, again.

The tiny cell stunk to the worst pit of Tartarus and it was too dark. Even if one could see, there was nothing there, but the bars and the never-ending hallway. The wind howled, and the bare trees screeched in response, a twisted symphony of winter and pain to my ears. Across the hallway, drifted the sounds of the other "inmates": the other assassins sent by who-knows-who to suffer for whatever it was they did to the royal family that deemed worth punishment.

The cell was a 2 meters cube, just tall enough to allow me to dangle from my wrists like a piece of meat waiting for them to butcher. It provided enough space for one to be able to deal lashes without a problem and at the same time, make the sufferer feel trapped and suffocated.

I opened my eyes to look down at my feet, chained together at the ankles. I was bare, but for my shorts, which were bloody and ripped. My skin was obtaining a greyish complexion, looking more pallid than usual, as the lashing winter wind pressed against my throbbing back.

Another wave of agony washed over me, but I didn't scream, didn't moan. I felt it, but it was too much of a routine to register anymore. I just wished it would not get infected. I looked around my cell at the filthy walls, still covered in dried blood and skies know what. I inwardly cringed as several rodents climbed up my chained body, their tiny claws on my naked skin, and bit at my back. I growled deep in my throat and threw them off me, hissing when the burning chains holding me in place gnawed at my exposed flesh and blisters. 

Not everyone had burning chains. I supposed I should have felt flattered they had thought me that much of a threat, but I would have thought them the worst sorts of idiots had they not used every means necessary against me.

Selene infiltrated in, flanked by two generals: Artemis and Apollo. She strode towards me with a predator's gait. She was the middle child of Erebus, the supreme ruler of the League. Her long, black hair braided down her back, strands of it escaping into her face as she brushed them away. I supposed she was beautiful, her features soft and delicate, pixie-like, too bad she didn't have the personality to go with it.

"Hello, commander." She said, innocently as if she was singing every letter, sound, with an angel's voice.

"What did we learn today?" She asked, her plump lips curled upwards in a sly invitation.

"You're my eternal pain in the ass?" I probed smiling sarcastically at her. She snorted at my remark.

"I believe you did not learn your lesson. Get me the whip, Apollo."

"Ah." I breathed as if she just caressed me like a lover. "I just look forward to our meetings every time." She came closer and held my chin in her falsely delicate hand.

"You know, it's a crime to ruin a face like yours, but" She let go and my head dropped as she lashed me across the face, the whip slashing: blood pouring as I gritted my teeth, but against common sense I smiled at her, eyes closed as not to expose their defection. Just as she was to strike me again a voice like thunder stopped her.

"Selene..." He sighed as if addressing a child with whom he was impatient. "What did I tell you about lashing my commanders?" She spun to face her father. Erebus seemed to be in the entrance of the cell, hearing rather than seeing it, since I still refused to open my eyes.

"But father...!" She argued, and I knew him enough to imagine the look he must've given her to shut her up.

"Apollo, unchain him, clean him up and bring him to me." Apollo sputtered indignantly, but Erebus ignored him. "Selene..." Selene sighed in disgust.

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