Chapter Two

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Ezarin stared blankly at her.
"Why on earth would I want you to do that?"
"I've grown incredibly fond of this form. It has enabled me to do things I never could have even imagined as a human being. Anyway-"
"Wait, please! I-"
"SILENCE!" Her voice thundered throughout the room, shaking Iva to her core. "That's enough talk out of you." Iva found that she was no longer able to talk, only breathe at a normal rate. "Now, let us begin."

Ezarin made sure that there wasn't a single square millimetre below Iva's chin that didn't have a hand on it. Her underarms, stomach, sides, thighs (inner and outer), feet, bum cheeks, back, breasts and neck were all covered completely by Ezarin's miniscule hands. The only areas that didn't have hands on them were the tips of Iva's breasts and her genitalia.

"Goodbye!" With that, Ezarin began moving all of the fingers pressed against Iva's body, lightly scratching her skin. Despite not being able to move a single muscle or do anything with her lungs, besides breathing, Iva could still feel the unbearable sensations created by each of the 9324 tiny claws against her bare body, and it was heavens beyond maddening. She couldn't shudder, twitch or even flinch. Whatever spell or curse Ezarin had placed upon her successfully kept her as still as a statue, forcing her to stay in place for each claw to lightly skate along her very sensitive skin.

About 36 hands on each of her feet, 510 on the whole of each leg, 72 on each bum cheek, 30 around her waist, 94 on her stomach, 78 on her chest, 480 on her back and sides, 238 on each arm and armpit, 88 all over her neck.

10 minutes of continuous light scratching passed. She still hadn't flinched or made a single sound since they had started and the enchantment keeping her paralysed also seemed to be keeping her conscious.

"You don't look too good, my liege. Would you... like me to stop what I'm doing to you?" Of course, no response. "Really? Okay then." She began chatting about her form's benefits as she continued to scratch.

"As you can see, with this body, I am able to wrap myself around my target, either impaling it with over a thousand pointy legs, or just playing with it till its will disappears, as I'm doing with you now."

The gallons of sweat covering Iva's entire body greatly reduced the friction, making the tickling far, far worse. At this point, her entire body was bright red, redder than it had ever been. "You know, I've always wanted to do this to you. Coiling myself around your body and slowly whittling it down to an empty shell with my bare hands. And now, I can."

10 more minutes of hell passed, not a single break taken. "Say, when do you wanna take a break, your highness?" Torrents of tears continued cascading from both of Iva's bloodshot eyes as they shook violently. The spell also kept her from breathing deeply, but she wouldn't have needed to as she had not been enabled to laugh from the beginning.

The 30th minute had gone by and Ezarin still had no intention of stopping. "You know, ordinarily, I would get cramps in my fingers. But a bit of magic has fixed that problem. Well, magic has fixed many problems. I won't need to eat, drink, rest, urinate, defecate or even move for a week. And neither will you! Amazing, right?"

It was like being awake during surgery. Iva's laughter was beyond immense and extremely hard, but it was all internal. She could not shift in any direction to avoid the sharp claws, nor could she utter a single word, simply to vocalise her desperation. All she could do was feel them and cry. And sweat.

The 40th minute passed. Ezarin shifted round to get a better view of the other areas of Iva's young body, whilst continuing to tickle her. This slow shift made the tickling much, much worse for the short length of time that it lasted. Ezarin realised this and continued shifting around Iva, whilst still tickling her, for the remainder of the next 20 minutes.

At this point, Iva was no longer able to formulate or register thoughts, not even thoughts regarding the hellish sensations on her skin. Every part of Iva's body was highly ticklish, but in different ways. Tickling on her feet or back of her knees made her want to kick, wildly. Tickling on her rear made her tremble, intensely. Tickling on her sides made her want to fly into a wall. Tickling on her stomach made her want to bring the building down on top of herself.

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