The sequel | part 21

Start from the beginning

Lucia pov
I'm walking around and I can't seem to find Delilah anywhere.
I glance over at our table and all the boys are there but no Jesse
"Yo where are they both?" Marcus laughs
"I don't know babe" I say shrugging looking around
We see them scurry out of the bathroom laughing, Delilah's hair a mess and Jesse's shirt With his top buttons all undone and he's doing up his belt.
I nudge Marcus and he looks over at them
"Oh we know what they've been doing" he laughs
I nod and laugh also
Delilah and Jesse walk over to us
"Where have you two been?" I ask them
"Uhh" Jesse says
"Just wandering" Delilah giggles
"We know" Marcus laughs and they both start blushing.
Marcus links my arm and we make our way back to the table

Delilah pov
I look up at Jesse as Lucia and Marcus walk away and he smirks and shrugs at me
I laugh and playfully punch his arm
"Cmon" I say as I run ahead of him.

We both take a seat at the table next to each other and his arm resting around my waist.
"Is Luke still with Anouska?" I ask everyone
"Yeah" Eric smirks
"Who?" Lucia asks
"She's been setting people up again" Jesse laughs
"Well it worked for us" she says pecking Marcus on the lips
"I wish I didn't if this is what I have to see" I say pretending to be sick
"Oi let's not forget what we just caught you two doin" Marcus points at me and Jesse
Jesse chuckles to himself
"Yeah we don't need more mini yous running around" Lucia laughs
My eyes widen and she freezes
Jesse face palms
Lucia covers her mouth hoping she can take back what she said
"What do you mean more?" Luke asks confused
"Tell em if you want" I whisper in Jesse's ear and he nods
I lean back in my seat
"We have a son together" jesse blurts our like it's nothing
Rom almost chokes on his drink and Eric's jaw drops and Luke looks like he's just seen a ghost and Paul just stares at me
"You're expecting?" eric asks
"No we have a child who has been born" I laugh
"Since when?" Luke asks in amazement
"Since about 11 and a half months ago" jesse says pulling me closer by his arm that is still around my waist.
"Hold up you guys knew?" Rom asks pointing at Marcus and Lucia
"Yeah" they say awkwardly together
"Anyway he's called Ellis Jeremiah Lingard" jesse says proudly
"Aw he's named after you that's so sweet Lils" Eric says to me
I smile at Eric
"So you had him when you guys uhhh... when you guys... didn't uh" Luke says awkwardly
"I had him 6 months into the year we didn't talk yes. When I left for Paris I was three months pregnant and I didn't have a clue" I say softly
"You're good at keeping secrets I'll give you that" Luke laughs.
Me and jesse laugh.

It gets to really late at night and Eric and romelu are talking to a lot of girls on the dance floor and Luke is off with Anouska.
Marcus and Lucia are dancing together and Paul is dancing with some girl so I'm on my own.
I decide to step outside the club as my head is banging and I just want to go home.
I stumble outside and I spot Jesse sat on the floor with his back against the wall.
I decide to walk over to him slowly
"Mind if I sit?" I ask softly
"Of course come sit" he says patting down next to him
I smile and take a seat on the floor next to him.
I rest my head on his shoulder and he rests his head on top of mine.
"Do you ever just look at someone and wonder what kind of day they're having?" He asks pointing around the surroundings Making me giggle
"What?" He asks chuckling
"You're just so random" I laugh
"No but do you though? Like that person there could be going home after a break up or that person there could of just found the love of their life or even that person could have a dentist appointment tomorrow and they're petrified" he says pointing at various people causing me to laugh
"What?" He asks chuckling
"No I never think about it" I laugh
"I even do when we're driving, I wonder about each car and how their day is." He says
"You're a weirdo" I joke
"You wouldn't have me any other way" he laughs
"I really wouldn't" I say linking our arms
"I was going to get an Uber are you ready to go? You can stay for a bit if you want, I'll stay if you don't want to go yet" he says sweetly
"No I think I'm ready to go now, I'll just go get my bag and say goodbye" I say standing up and brushing myself down
"I better come say goodbye as well" he says standing up and brushing himself down also
He holds my hand as we walk in together.
"We're heading off now but thanks for a lovely night" I say grabbing my bag from under the table.
I look and see Rom is asleep with his head down on the table.
"I think I better take him back as well" Eric laughs motioning to Rom causing me and Jesse to laugh
"We will stay a bit longer I think" Paul says holding the waist of a beautiful slim girl.
"Where's Luke?" I ask Marcus
"He's somewhere with Anouska I'll tell him you said goodbye" Marcus says
"Thank you" I smile
"Bye lu" I say bending down to hug Lucia
"See you soon" she says to me smiling
"Thanks for a great night broskis" Jesse says doing his handshakes with everyone

Marcus pov
I say goodbye to Jesse and he grabs onto lils'
Hand and they walk out laughing and giggling with each other joking around.
"Those two are so good for each other" Paul says as he watches them
"I knowwwww" Lucia pines
"Don't tell Delilah this or anything but Jesse was talking to me about proposing to her" Paul whispers
"Wait when?" Lucia asks
"Not yet but he said eventually" Paul says
"Oh so not soon then" I laugh
"But the way they seem to becoming closer and seem so loved up makes me think he is going to do it sooner than expected" Paul says leaning over the table.
"Mhmmm" I say unconvinced by Paul.
Of course they will both get engaged eventually, it's inevitable with those two.
I've known it since they first met. I've always expected them to get together and get married and have kids. We all have.


Don't worry I'm not getting them engaged yet lol

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