Chapter 11

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Deaths POV

I'm going to kill that vampire then I'm going to kill the cock sucker !

I felt him let go and pushed through , I felt a weight on my body . Tucked my hind legs above me and launched them off , I barked / growled in rage . I watched him fall , I leapt on top before he could get up bit it's face . I chewed through his face and neck until nothing remained , blinded by rage I lifted my head slowly to see shocked and scared vampires . I dropped my head and looked at what I had done , my fur felt heavy coated in thick crimson liquid it dripped form my mouth and my paws and chest was covered in it , blood .

I felt so angry , I snarled as I bit into his thick flesh and began tearing it from the bones and listened carefully as it landed with a heavy sickening plop into the pool of blood . I chewed on his flesh and watched as the vampires one by one gave me a look of fear and disgust walking away , I looked around and saw 2 male werewolves they were part of the pack .

They looked at me then down to the dead vampire as if asking to eat him with me , is this sharing . I tilted my head towards the meat and they nodded stiffly , there scared features were met with a nod . They jumped in happiness and began nibbling the edges , I snarled in anger and they jumped back .

Looking down at the bloody carcass , I tore the shoulders off and threw them at the wolves they looked shocked but ate away . A few hours later , I had two pups eating the vampire with two females and the two males they really liked it but I had a feeling the alpha that was glaring at me from behind didn't .

Shaking my fur , I looked at the half eaten vampire king and shrugged . I guess they could eat it , turning around I was stopped by the alpha he stood in front of me human form wearing clothing .

"No , you are not going inside covered in blood your sleeping outside like the bad wolf you are !" I growled lowly and turned around walking away , next time I will knock him out asshole . He belittled me , I swear . I growled in frustration as I fell asleep on the wet cold grass . I missed this the feel of wind , the grass tickling your nose or waking up with an ant on your nose . That is fun until they walk inside your nose that's not fun cause you end of sneezing like an idiot and watching humans is not helpful when your sneezing your ass off .

Curling up in a ball , I gave one last look at the stars as I shut my eyes . I howled a soft howl not of sadness but of peace .

I opening my eyes , I stretched and leant against the house as I crawled through my head to find that bastard . I found him and hurt him a lot , instead if physical pain it's physiological pain and it's worse then anything you go through their hopes dreams and crush them and bring there nightmares to life .

I heard him howl inside of me but it didn't bother me , I opened my eyes to see about 30 pups in human form . The hairs on my back raised giving me height snarling I stepped forward pulling myself off of the wall , the blood on my coat had become darker and almost like a paste but in other ways it was helpful it meant that I was dangerous and I had recently killed .

I watched as the pups repeated my violent  actions they stood by my side and repeated my actions as I snapped my jaws and snarled , they seemed entertained but concentrating it was weird and funny . They learnt to copy my snarl , growl , bark and how to raise the hairs on your back to give yourself height against other things .

Shifting I saw a woman she looked horrified as one of the pups , leapt and bit onto another , a smirk climbed onto my face as I watched them bite each other and draw blood . They're fighting , it's learning I have no idea what's wrong with her the woman shifted and stormed forward towards the pup .

Stepping over them I bared my teeth at her , she seemed shocked but didn't waste a second at jumping on top of me . I didn't stop on my back and flipped over my neck , I was on top and winning . I hear a pup whining looking up before I tore her apart I saw the pup that started the fight whimpering and whining , is this his birth giver why do they care about each other she was just a vessel to carry you in damn .

Lifting my head I aimed to bite her neck open , my teeth were just touching her neck when my body was flying through the air . My body slammed into a tree , I whined and opened my eyes to see my alpha obviously I hate him so much it's unbelievable but I don't want to hurt him . Pulling my self off of the ground , I noticed that the woman was mad like really angry not coocoo . She jumped to her feet and sprinted at me , her teeth clamped onto my leg and my mine clamped into her shoulder . As she bit repeatedly I just began tearing her shoulder , it made a thick tearing slick noise eventually she clamped her teeth onto my paw and I lost it tearing her entire shoulder off . She howled in pain and fell limp in front of me the alpha was beyond angry , he stormed over and punched me in the face .

Wincing , I backed away watching a few pups run towards me . I don't like it here , I'm going home and with that I turned around and sprinted for my life . My wound bled out but it didn't stop me I heard as yelps followed but they were eventually collected because that's I guess what a mother does she saves you from bad evil people , people like me !

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