Preparing for the Fural pt 2

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Alice had always wanted to be buried by her mother. However, there was one problem, the burial spot was taken. However, I chose the spot just beneath her mother's burial place. It was close. But not close enough.

Peter told me that it was okay.
I disagreed.
He gave up, knowing that I would just continue the hole of failure.

However, other than that, everything was fine. Aunt May was bringing dinner rolls, Ned was bringing soup, some NCIS members were bringing jello salad, some were bringing funeral potatoes, and other foods.

~~~im too lazy to write all of the planning so we're going to time skip now~~~

I watched as the black, glossy coffin was lowered into the ground.

Black. The color of the night that conceals my tears as they fall to the grass.

A tear rolled off of my cheek into the green grass.

Green. The color of spring, where death is replaced by life.

Alice, she lived a life. She was always grateful for what she was given.

Life. Something that we take for granted, but should instead be taken seriously, and cautiously. Treasure the precious moments, hold everything you love dearly close to your chest.

The only light was provided by candles, held by comrades and family, the park lamps, and the moon. Peter came up to me, and set a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Do you want to go?" He asked. The firelight danced in his eyes softly.

"No." I responded. He nodded, then melted into the crowd. People started to leave. One, by one. Until it was just me, and the men who were going to bury her. I picked up a fistful of moist, dark dirt, and held it in my hand. I didn't want to let her go.

I dropped the dirt and let the tears fall silently. "She was extremely brave. You know that, right?" Someone asked. I nodded, and I forced the tears to go away. I blinked rapidly to get them to stop.

"Had it not been for her, one of my comrades would've died. It isn't a fair trade, I know, but she was willing to make the sacrifice. And for that, I give her my deepest thanks." The man continued.

I turned around to see none other than Spider-Man. The one and only. "Is that why you're really here. To give your thanks to her?" I asked.

"Yes. I do wish it hadn't happened to her. I'd rather it happened to me." He bowed his head in shame.

"It's okay sir. She... She knew the cost when she took the job. I'm just furious that I wasn't there when she needed me most."

"Do you have a ride home? I'd be willing to give you one. I know it's a little informal but-" I cut him off.

"My ride left me. I'd be grateful for the ride though. I do have a boyfriend though, so don't get any ideas."

"Wait... You look oddly familiar. Parker? Isn't he your guy?" He asked, snapping his fingers.

"Yes... How do you know?" I asked suspiciously.

"I've seen him around the Stark tower, and the new-ish compound. He's also my unofficial photographer. He works at the Daily Bugle still doesn't he?" Spider-Man asked.

"Yeah. He does. But yeah, he's my 'guy' as you put it." You shrugged.

A few minutes later, you were hugging the hero for dear life as he swung about the city. He convinced me to open my eyes, and when I did I forgot how to breathe. It was gorgeous. Reds and golds blurred together on the street, causing it to look like a river of lights. Blues, greens, and whites bounced off of billboards.

I don't remember telling him where I  lived, but he just said, "It was my Spidey sense."

I waved him goodbye, and told him thank you. He swung off, and I entered my apartment. Much to my liking, it was empty, quiet, and I just might be able to sleep tonight.

Sorry it's short. 😐
Hope you liked it anyways.
Just a reminder that there are some things that will not happen in this book that happened in the movies. (End Game **that freaking shattered me***, Infinity War, and the Sakovian Accords have been amended, forgotten, and burned out of history.)
Hope you all get some sleep, I know i m not getting any, and remember...

"With great power, comes great responsibility."

I love this poster though...
Night everyone. 🙂

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