The Gala Part One

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Peter's POV: I was wearing this mask that would distort my features, they would make my eyes change color, and I didn't know how that would help but Aunt May didn't recognize me. I sent a picture to Ned, and he was confused. 

Ned: Dude, who is that? 

Ned: Why is one eye blue?

Ned: Why is the other one yellow?

Ned: What is this?

Peter: It's just a new mask I'm trying out. 

Ned: That's not you...

Peter: Yes, it is. Mr. Stark made it for me so I could go out into public without being recognised as his intern. 

Ned: Holy S*** it is you!

Peter: I gotta go now. 

Ned: Have fun, and if you see anyone bother Alice, punch them for me will you?

Peter: Will do man. 

Ned: See ya later man.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skeep~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I saw Misty as well as Alice. I pointed at Misty, and slightly shoved Mr. Stark. "That's her, right? Misty? The Black Cat?" I asked. 

"Yeah kid, that's her. So, she kicked your trash huh?" He smirked. 

"Yeah, yeah, get over it." I murmured. 

"You could've very well beat her quickly, whether she's a lady or not. You've defeated stronger, quicker, and more advanced people in the training room. I don't understand why you let her kick your butt like that." 

"Her voice was familiar, and so was her attitude." I scoffed. 

"She looks nothing like Y/n." He protested. 

"Didn't you make a mask like mine and give it to Fury for his new agent?" 

"No, he simply asked for an old design so he could edit and make one for the same purpose. He didn't want to go through all of the copyright shenanigans." He rolled his eyes and took a sip of champagne. The gala was actually a cover for a meeting. (I'll fill you in later.)

"Hmm... Do you think maybe you could ID her?"

"I've already had Friday try to ID her. It didn't work. Friday got glitchy and had to restart. I'm assuming Fury has inserted a shield including a virus that causes facial recognition impossible." He muttered. 

"What about a fingerprints?" I asked. 

"That would be suspicious." He said quietly.

"Hair?" I suggested.

"Her hair looks healthy, groomed, well cared for, as well as trimmed. I don't think we're going to be able to get anything." Tony added. 

I don't understand why we need a new government organisation. We have plenty, heck, we've got the whole alphabet in this room. (Most likely.) However, people were proposing that this one would be for threats from space. People got into a big fight about who would be the leader, Misty proposed a plan, and Fury supported it, I fell asleep during the meeting, then I woke up, and everyone was agreeing to keep in contact, and such. THe meeting was finally at a close. However, the Avengers were still getting their museum to keep the public happy, so that was nice. We would help put in information and interactive stuff for the kids and adults. 

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