Please Be Awake

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I grunted as I set down the last few modulators in their designated pile. My mind wandered back to the battle just a few hours ago. Back to Optimus Prime...

I always had faith that he was stronger than everyone thought, but I guess the years took a toll on me. Just until yesterday the universe had me convinced that my good friend was really gone.

But he was back!

And he was counting on me..

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts and turning around to the scene behind me. Grimlock had just closed up Underbite's stasis cell. Fixit was handling some other organizing, along with Strongarm and Sideswipe. And Denny and Russell were just watching. My mind grew troubled again as I looked at them and after a second, I lugged my pedes over, stopping just in front of them.

"Hey," I spoke, "Are you sure you're okay with having us move our command center onto your property?" I asked cautiously, pretty much expecting the two to say no. But, they just smiled. "Our place is a much better hideout for you than the woods!" Denny exclaimed. "And I can help keep your cover!" Russel chimed in, but then suddenly his eyes widened and he grew stiff and closed his lids halfway to look bored. "Um, if, y'know, I'm not doing anything else.." I gave him a knowing smirk and his face quickly grew bashful. It was cute, reminded me of myself when I was a kid.

Big heavy footsteps sounded behind me. I looked up to see Grimlock, a sort of desperate, pleading look on his face. "You're not gonna make me go back to sleep are you...?" he said, looking to Underbite in his stasis pod. Strongarm's face hardened beside me and she pulled up her regulations guide. "Protocol 13, Section 9 says prisoners must be-" "Consider yourself of probation." I smiled, putting a servo up to the guide. "But sir!" Strongarm protested. I just smiled and shook my head, making it clear I made up my mind. Grimlock was a big help today, and he wasn't a bad guy. With some guidance, ...and coordination training.., He could be a valuable asset to the team.

Grimlock cheered and started singing about how we was on probation. To be honest I wasn't entirely sure if he knew what that meant. I shook my head at the silliness and turned to pick up another load. As I placed it down I looked to the team once more. My team..

I sighed.

"I... We.. Won't let you down Optimus." I said to the wind.

"As your senior officer, I command you to-!"

"Argh! You don't get to give me orders!"

"Excuse me! These are very delicate!"

I shook my head once more and turned. "And if I say that enough, maybe I'll actually believe it..."

After several hours we finally finished working on our basic, very crude set up of a commanding base. We still had much to do but between the fight today, the hard work we were doing now, and the stress of a new environment plus Decepticons on the loose, as well as the fact that I basically gave all the commands now, I decided to let the group check in. "Huddle up everyone!" I called. The sun had just barely set, and the moon was just beginning to get high in the sky. "Great job today everyone. I'm really proud of what we've accomplished. First thing tomorrow, we continue working on our base of operations so we can hunt down these Decepticons more easily. For now, get some rest. We start work early tomorrow!" Everyone nodded and muttered goodnight to the one other. One by one, each went into stasis, with Denny and Russell checking into their trailer and after a moment, their lights shut down as well.

I was the only one left awake and I went to sit down on storage unit. I sighed out of pure exhaustion and finally noticed my arm again. I had barely even thought about it...

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