The Chapters to come!

847 11 5

1) Breaching Containment

2) Yo! An explosive relationship can always come out well!

3) A chill breeze

4) It's not like I like you!

5) Death of a bachelor!

6) All it takes is a little push

7)Full metal Alchemist

8)Jack the ripper

9) It's just a harem

10) Just a villain

11) Pure instincts

12) The fifteen year old wall crawler

13) Fight for my friend

14) Introduction to my regained happiness: This one is centered entirely around James, no multiverse viewing in this one

And That's the line up so far! I know, a lot to expect. But that's how I like to deliver! Also I have a social test tomorrow, so please give me your prayers!

See ya'll in the next viewing! -James the half Kitsune

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