Let's get started!

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In Canada, there lives a person. This person is quite special, see they have something that only people in japan should be able to have.

I have a quirk, and if your wondering how i'm talking to you. It's because I am the author of another story you might have read. I begin to construct a really small object inside of my hands.

If you read the description then you would understand that my quirk is quite powerful. And i have some friends who are going to help me along with this whole idea of mine.

Soon enough the orb begins to spin and grow in size, eventually overtaking reality. At least for me that is, everything else is working like normal. I just disappear for little while, no need to worry, nobody cares about me anyway.

"Huh, does seem kinda empty in here doesn't it?" I say looking towards the black void that i have created. "Let's spice things up a bit!"

Inside the void i looked on as a movie theater began to magically create itself from nothing, a bright light then shone from the front doors as I stepped inside and looked on in wonder at my quirk was truly able to create.

"This is perfect! Now all I have to do is just go and check to make sure that everyone a plan to 'invite'" I say while making quotations with my hands. "Is where they should be, of course time works differently in japan because of timezone and all that shit."

I opened up a purple(Purple is my favorite color)   portal and from inside it I grabbed a black mask that had almost the entire left side missing, a black long coat, and a cloak. Along with a bandanna and put them on. With the bandanna going up and across the entire left side of my face.

'Can't let them see what I really became in my time since.... Then' Those thoughts always run rampant in my head ever since the war, I don't know why or how i'm still alive. And Fourteen for that matter.

"No matter!" I scream, before looking through a hazy purple cloud, and see the world of My Hero Academia, now seeing that everything is in order for this plan to really go the way I want it to. 

A bright white light fills my vision before my ears hear the sound of people begin to scamper around, being honestly louder than I originally thought. And of course the loudest one would be Bakugo.

"YO!" I say getting the attention of everyone in the room, especially of the one, Izuku Midoriya.  I notice the confused look everyone is giving. I simply float down to the floor, turn around to face them and say. Hoping not to freak them out too bad.





"Welcome to the multiversal theater fellas'!"                                                                                                            ///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\//////\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\//////\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///

Yes!  new story begins! Welcome to this shit storm! And i hope y'all enjoy it. And before you ask, yes. James is truthfully just me IRL. I just chose not to use my real name.

And with that said, see ya!

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