V. Tearing the Veil

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What made the decision easier, was the fact that she was a talented woman in the military. With her smarts and her skill, she easily picked up on all of the moves and mastered them in almost no time at all.

When they would spar during training, she would always win. Although she won, one day something was revealed during sparring that nobody will forget.

"Up next will be Cassandra versus Cleo!" The commander announced.

As the group of men cheered and taunted the two, Ajax stood to the side with his arms crossed. He knew he was teaching his daughter well. Cleo had special techniques that she had not seen before. This was perfect for progressing her training. He often struck for the legs, leaving the torso wide open for a blow.

"Don't lose to a girl!" Cleo's group of friends shouted.

"Just remember what I told you about him." Ajax reassured her calmly.

"Both fighters ready?!" The commander asked.

Both nodded.

"Three...Two...One... FIGHT"

The start of the fight was slow as nobody quite knew what to expect. Cassandra has fought before, but nothing on this skill level. Ajax always tried to push Cassandra, even if it meant she was broken few times.

"You really want to lose, huh?" Cleo taunted.

"You really think so?" Cassandra responded. They were both very fond of the verbal games they played before they begun fighting. It bought time to size each other up, while testing the confidence of the opponent.

"I tell you what," Cleo said. "You win, drinks on me. But if you lose, you're buyin for the whole crew."

"Yea sure," Cassandra complied. "How about we just get started already?"

"Be careful what you wish for!" Cleo said as he lunged at her.

With a quick roll to the side, Cassandra was on her feet again, ready to fight.

The next move was hers. She stabbed at his legs, then swiped the sword in an upward motion. This was to prove that she knew his moves, before he used them. As she was on the move, Cleo went for a subtle leg sweep. Cassandra jumped. But is created a window for Cleo to strike.

"Slash" Cassandra had been sliced in the forearm.

"Told you sweetheart," Cleo said with great confidence. "You just don't stand a chance."

Cassandra was gasping for air at this point, but she managed to say, "Oh, go to Hades!"

She was back at him, now fighting for her life. She used any tactic she had, but it was quickly deflected by Cleo's masterful swordsmanship. She went for Cleo's signature move, when Cleo stopped it in motion and said in a smart tone "Now Cassy, I already know and have seen that one. Please try something new."

Cassandra knew what she was doing, though, as Ajax had told her "Make sure to use his own move against him. He may see the initial move coming, but he'll never be prepared for the Cassandra special!"

After she had been stopped, her leg blocked by a shield, she took her sword at the other leg. While Cleo was expecting a blow to the torso, his leg was now gushing blood from a good slash with her sword.

"Speechless now Cleo?" Cassandra taunted. It was now time to end this fight. While Cleo was on one knee, Cassandra took her shield and bashed it into his other leg, then gave his chest a horizontal slash and a kick to follow that. From there, Cleo was on the ground, bleeding from multiple spots, but ultimately defeated.

The small audience erupted in cheers, "Cassandra, you're my girl!" "I knew she had it in her blood!" "She was found on the battlefield for a reason!"

Throughout all these cheers, though, one stood out among the others, "Yea, Cleo! You just got beat by an Athenian girl!" From this, the crowd grew silent. Everybody was now staring at Ajax and Cassandra wondering if this new information could be true. Now was the time to take a stand. Lie about her Athenian blood or come out with the full truth about her.

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