Texting love pt1

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Virgil: Hey Roman what would if I broke up with you?
Princey: easy I would go to my ex
Virgil: Really if you think that little of me I am breaking up with you !
Princey: soooooo we going on that date tonight ???
Virgil: no I told you we are done why don't you go back to your ex!!!!!!!
Roman: but you are my ex.........
Virgil: ............
Virgil: I saw what you did there
Virgil: and mad at you for making me cry and upset
(Patton saw Virgil upset and talk to virgil and then sent a pic of virg !)
Patton: You made my dark strange son cry!!
(Pretend there is a pic of Sad Virgil)
Patton:that just bad thing to say to someone!!!

Authors note
I got this idea I saw off of Pinterest and for you guys how never herd of it it is an awesome website or add that you can literally find everything at memes , recipes,fan art, and everything else! You can follow poeple and other stuff even text them if you want !
Well that it for to say ttyl

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