Chap 2 - Leaky Cauldron & Diagon Alley!

Start from the beginning

"Oh your so beautiful and your baby is so cute, Hagrid I know which owl I want!" She said while gently grabbing onto the owls's golden wired cage, along with some owl pellets and owl treats before placing the cage gently in front of the shop's owner. "How much is this owl mum and her chick?" Y/n asked the elderly woman whom smiled at her. "Six galleons for everying got dearie, but are you sure you want the chick as well?" Y/n nodded before speaking. "Yes plus a child should not grow up without it's mum. So I'll name her O/n and her chick Lily." Hagrid carefully picked up the cage as Y/n paid the lady then left to Ollivanders for her wand. Y/n entered the dusty shop seeing mountains of slim boxes amongst boxes as she walked up to the desk. "Hello? Hello is anyone here?" She asked until a man with thick white fluffy hair and pale blue eyes appeared on a sliding ladder in front of her thus making her jump a bit scared before seeing the man smile at her. "I wondered when I'd be seeing you, Miss Potter." Mr. Ollivanders said as he walked carefully down the ladder and looked thru the wand boxes while talking to Y/n.

"It seems only yesterday that your mother and father were in here to buy their first wands. Ah." He gently took a dusty dark blue box out and walked towards the counter. "Holly wood, Phoenix feather core go on give it a wave." He said smiling while Y/n waved it lightly only for a shelf of wands to become tiny thus she quickly placed the wand onto the desk. "Apparently not." Ollivanders said before getting a light pink box and gave her the second wand. "Yew wood and dragon heartstring core." Y/n looked nervous yet waved it only for Ollivanders hair to turn bright pink. "Definitely not this one sir, sorry about your hair." Y/n said as Ollivanders nodded to her. "It's alright dear, let's see." He went into the back pulling out a shiny red box etched gold designs once he blow the dust off of it. "Hmm...I wonder?" He questioned before walking back to Y/n opeing the box and handed her the wand. "Alder wood, dragon heartstring and phoenix feather core,twelve and three quarter inches and surprising swishing flexibility." Y/n carefully took the wand into her hand and waved it over her head as a pure blue lioness appeared from it, roaring and restored the shop to normal once more then bowed to Y/n before vanishing. "Remarkable Ms. Potter it is a rare thing to own a double core wand and summon a patronus charm with it on the first try, I can see great things from you young lady beside your loved ones to fight off he whom must not be named." Ollivanders said as she paid seven galleons for her wand and walked out of the shop seeing Hagrid holding two ice cream cones; one chocolate strawberry, with peanut butter and the other chocolate chip cheesecake with double chocolate. Y/n smiled sweetly as she ate her ice cream beside Hagrid telling him about her wand and what happened in the shop. "Hagrid just to let you know Voldemort doesn't scare me and if or when he does come back for Harry and I, well I'll be ready to protect everyone I love from him." She said determined with no trace of fear in her e/c eyes.

Once she got all the shopping done with Hagrid, he took her back to privet drive to her aunt, uncle, cousin and little brother then stored her supplies in her ever expanding bag except her owls whom nipped her fingers affectionately since the girl loved animals. Lily cuddled into her neck while she wrote back Professor Minerva Mcgonagall about her arriving to Hogwarts happily and sent it off with O/n into the night sky and thought back to the fiery red headed family she'd meet today along with the twin boys smiling mischievously and happily. "Fred and George Weasley, I just know we're going to be great friends." she said before heading off to bed.

*Meanwhile at the Burrow!*

Fred looked up at stars thinking of the girl, Y/n Lily Potter that he and George ran into at Diagon Alley from her beautiful and sparkling e/c eyes, and her long h/c hair but her laugh is what sealed it for him. It was sweet and mischievous along with her adorable smile. "Y/n Potter I hope we see each other again on the Hogwarts's Express train 9 3/4." He thought as he and George went to bed.

(Okay for some unknown reason my pictures will not show up! So I'm describing everything the best I can, oh and Professor Quirrell doesn't have Voldy in the back of his head just yet!)

(Okay for some unknown reason my pictures will not show up! So I'm describing everything the best I can, oh and Professor Quirrell doesn't have Voldy in the back of his head just yet!)

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