The eagle and the wolf

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Will Mariana and bo be together or will they be forever separated!?!?

(The drawing I did above took me about 6 hours to make 😭👌🏼)

Part 3

No questions asked and let's get right into story

Bo's POV

As I was waking up my body was cold and noticed that Mariana wasn't with me then I turned around and saw that the kids weren't here either, I stared to get worried but I noticed that the cave had a weird smell along with other familiar smells, I whiffed the air and the weird smell along with the others got me angry, hyenas had been in the cave then took Mariana and the kids also there was a bit of blood on the cave floor, I got up and grabbed my bow and arrows then left the cave to find them and luckily for me I followed their scenes and about 2 hours later I end up at a shelter where I saw what looked like a "hyena" to me that was on top of Nita biting her ear while Leon had his arms around the "hyenas" neck, I then jumped in and shouted "leave my kids alone you hideous MONSTER" as I shot my arrows and it pierced through the "hyenas" side and it's stomach then the hyena fell to the ground and hissed in pain as blood trickled down from its body to the dried up ground then I was about to finish it off until Nita and Leon started pulling at my arms making me fall to the ground then they ran over to the hyena and tears ran down their cheeks as the put their arms around the hyena " MARIANA IS NOT A MOSTER DAD!!", Leon shouted , "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER, I THOUGH YOU lOVED HER", Nita shouted, I was confused at first but then they both shouted with their voices in sync " YOU JUST SHOT MARIANA DAD!!!", i took a closer look at the hyena and fell to my knees in shock, I just shot the girl I really loved so much and i couldn't forgive myself and she wouldn't forgive me either, I then bursted into tears and ran back to the cave

Mariana's POV

dawn was over the horizon when I woke up and I looked down at the kids cut up bruised body's then I bandaged them up and once they woke up they were shocked at first but Nita was not shocked for long as she threw her arms around me and snugged her head in my fur and giggled which tickled me making me giggle too, Leon seem to get caught on what Nita was seeing then hopped onto my back and threw his arms around my neck then Nita said " we know it's you Mari, that why we're not scared", and as she said that a smile appeared on my face, we then started to play around and I pounced on Nita by accident but she and Leon love to play rough I then place my head in the crook of her neck and started to tease her by nibbling on her neck and ear and she stared laughing and giggling and Leon had his arms around me giving me a nudge and messing up my fur, we were have a lot of fun when I hear someone shout out something but I couldn't hear then I felt something pierced through my stomach and my side as I fell to the ground hissing in pain and tears running down my cheeks, I then felt tiny arms wrap around me and felt their tears soaking into my fur and then shouted out words at bo so I looked up to see bo drop down to his knees before running off with tears in his eyes and I tried to get up but moving a little bit made me hiss in more pain, then the kids took out the arrows from my body slowly as I still hiss in pain then they bandage me up, after recovering for a little bit I  couldn't stand so Nita summoned her bear and placed me on top of her bear and head for the cave,

As soon as we got into the cave I saw bo sitting in the corner with his head in his knees and his arms wrap around his head as well, I then hopped off the bear to comfort bo but he just moved away from me and told me not to get too close to him which made me feel heartbroken, the guy I really loved is just pushing me away from him and I stared to tear up but I didn't care anymore, I ran up to bo then warped my arms around him while I sat on his lap and he tried to push me away but I tighten my grip then whisper into his ear " ~I'm not letting his one problem get between us"~, after awhile I then let his arms warp around my waist and he pulled me into a hug as he stuffed his face into my fur and let his tears soaked my fur, I then stroked his hair and said " I know it was an accident bo, you were just trying to protect the kids, I understand they mean a lot to you and me, I forgive you bo there's no need to be upset anymore, I'm fine and I love you to much to stay mad at you", the cave went silent and neither bo, Nita or Leon said a word and I started to get worried as minutes pass by and still nobody said a single word and then all of a sudden bo cuffs my cheeks and pulls me into a kiss

As soon as we got into the cave I saw bo sitting in the corner with his head in his knees and his arms wrap around his head as well, I then hopped off the bear to comfort bo but he just moved away from me and told me not to get too close to him wh...

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I was shocked at first but I then melted into the kiss and it was long and passionate, Nita and Leon started to giggle and squeal " you guys are an adorable couple we totally ship you guys", said Nita as the sun was setting over the horizon and it was getting dark quickly and me and bo were no longer going to get separated, we all then cuddled up and I kissed the kids foreheads and before we drifted of to sleep bo said " you know what Mari ?", "what?", I asked, " I think you'll be a great mother to them", I then looked down at the kids and a smile appeared on my face, then i kissed bo and we all drifted to sleep

I hope you guys enjoyed this story the next part of the story is

"tonight, it's just you and me baby"

Comment and tell me what the next part of the story will be about

Hint: 😈🎩🦇 👉🏼👌🏼

Hopefully this hint helps 🤔

I'll see y'all later, ciao

Words: 1131

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