Chapter 80

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We rushed to the car. "Really? That's all you have to say, is shit?" She exclaimed, freaking out.

"What did you want me to say?" I shot back. "I was in shock; I didn't know what else to say."

She groaned and looked at me. "Of course, she would decide to make her appearance when we decided to make up."

"It's better than being induced, isn't it?"

She moaned in pain again and breathed deeply. "Just crappy timing," she breathed out.

"Well, we're almost to the hospital now, Sam."

"Go faster Hunter, it hurts so much."

"I'm already doing the speed limit; I can't go faster."

"Put on your emergency lights and speed up." She gritted out.

"I can't," I admitted.

"Why not?" She whined.

"After the car accident, I kind of developed a fear of driving. I still can drive, it just freaks me out," I admitted to her.

She stayed silent as she absorbed what I said. "I'm sorry," she mumbled.

"Don't be, we both survived. We are here now." I reassured her.

We stayed silent for the rest of the ride, besides her moans in pain every once in a while.

When we arrived at the hospital, I got out. "Stay here, I will be back with a wheelchair. I slammed my door shut and rushed into the hospital. "I need a wheelchair!" I called out. "My girlfriend is currently in the car about ready to give birth!"

Was she my girlfriend? I wasn't quite sure, but it was too late to retract the statement now. A nurse came with a wheelchair and rushed to the car with me. We opened the door to Sam screaming in pain. I reached in to lift her into the wheelchair. She dug her nails into my shoulder as another contraction hit her. "Ow!" I whined.

"Oh, shut up you big baby. You're not the one getting ready to push a baby out of your vagina," she snapped.

I did as she told me to do, but more of in shock at her remark then for her to telling me to do it. The nurse wheeled her in and took her straight to the maternity ward. "The doctor will be with you soon," she reassured her.

Sam groaned in response and took a deep breath to calm herself down after the last contraction. Her face was covered in sweat and she looked exhausted.

I pushed the hair away from her forehead. "Are you okay?" I whispered to her.

"It hurts a lot," she mumbled. "Every time a contraction hits, the pain gets worse."

"It'll be over before you know it," I assured her.

"You don't know that," she replied.

"Is there anyone you want me to call right now?"

"No, my parents aren't talking to me, remember?"

"Right," I said to her. "Do you want me to call my parents?"

"No, I just want it to be us for right now." She admitted.

"That's fine with me."

She screamed again as another contraction hit. Her screaming quickly turned to whimpering as the contraction eased. "Are we ready to be parents?" She asked me.

"No," I admitted.

"Will we be good at it?" She asked, looking up at me in wonder.

"I hope so, I think so." I said to her.

The Path to LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ