Chapter Twenty

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Despite the naturally bitter cold of the air and the looming clouds hovering in the winter sky, Kazuhiko felt as if spring had arrived and the sun was beaming in the heavens especially for him. 

After another night in his bed, though this time it was just sharing the warmth of each other's body, he had shared a rather quiet breakfast with Jun, whom he didn't let speak any more of their passionate night.  He didn't want to hear excuses of how both he and Jun had been swept away by the omega's heat so it should mean nothing more.  He didn't know how Jun felt of it, but to him it meant so much more.  Jun's body accepted him, even if Jun, himself, did not quite yet. Jun had tried to suggest he would be more comfortable sleeping on the sofa or in Kei's small single bed, leaving the double to Kazuhiko.  In the end, Kazuhiko had overruled him, trapped him in his arms and made him understand that he wished for them to sleep together. "Don't worry," Kazuhiko has reassured him, "I won't do more than this."

He'd stolen a kiss before leaving reluctantly the next day, Jun flushing red and slapping his arm, before apologising for his sudden outburst.  And just to let Jun know how he felt about it, he'd kissed him again.  He hadn't wanted to return to reality, but he had to return to his small son, just as Jun had to welcome Keiichi home.  He knew Jun did not want their son yet jumping to conclusions, for what small child wouldn't secretly hope that their parents could live together beneath one roof?

With a beaming smile upon his face, he had entered the front door to be greeted by a man who worked for the Fumiko's.  "The Sir and Madam wish to speak with you on your return."

Kazuhiko gave him a swift nod of agreement, but first headed for his own rooms, or most significantly; the nursery.  Little Kou was not there and neither was the nanny.  With a slight frown marring his face and good mood, he made his way to his parents part of the property.  His mother, father and son were all in the garden room; his son currently being entertained by the older man.

"Well, finally," Madam Fumiko said without greeting.  "Just where exactly have you been?  You can't simply disappear, you do have responsibilities, Kazuhiko!"  Kou squealed excitedly and began a shuffling crawl to his surprised and delighted daddy. 

Kazuhiko kneeled down, his large grin having returned to his face.  "Amazing! You did it! What a big boy!"  He scooped the baby into his arms, who laughed and squealed again, bouncing up and down excitedly.  A laugh rose in Kazuhiko's throat over his son's antics. 

"My son," the arm belonging to his own old man slapped down over his shoulders, "you could have just told us you had your eye on someone else, we wouldn't have pressured you into meeting that young girl!"

Kazuhiko felt his blood run to ice and cautiously framed his next words; "What do you mean?"  Had they already found out about Jun?  And then what about Kei?  But there were no words of recrimination...

"I don't approve!" Madam Fumiko crossed her arms about her chest.  "Perhaps if it had been the sister, she is at least refined and has a good temperament, but Michelle is an unfilial and difficult child."

"Michelle...?"  Kazuhiko frowned, trying to figuring out just what his mother was on about, before inwardly groaning.  Had their sympathetic response to each other's predicament be misinterpreted by other parties? Recalling the look on the woman's face, he could well believe this to be true.  "Mother, there is nothing between Michelle and I.  She has someone in her heart."

However, he gained the impression that his words simply entered his mother's ear before sliding out her other.  "All day yesterday," she continued and from the eye roll his father produced, he felt he could interpretate this as an exaggeration, "phone calls from important acquaintances asking me about the situation.  Not to mention, Mrs Yoshinaga requesting that we meet to discuss an official omiai between yourself and her wayward daughter.  And if that was not enough, Shizue Hoashi also calling to clarify as she thought that due to your interactions with young Kurea, you had changed your perspective."

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