Chapter Seventeen

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Whatever plans that Kazuhiko was forming had to be put on hold regardless as his mother displayed a handful of New Year Party invites out onto the dining room table. These were from other schools and influential families within their circles for the most part, although one was from the city's mayor and his wife. Another happened to be from the Hoashi's indicating it would be an 'intimate get together for friends and family.'

"Don't even think of asking me to attend it," Kazuhiko refused immediately as he noticed this last invite. His father raised a thick eyebrow and looked questioningly at mother and son.

"I encouraged Kazuhiko to attend an omiai with the daughter of my cousin," Madam Fumiko said, almost dismissively as if it was not a big thing. "While Kurea-chan expressed interest following it, Kazuhiko didn't wish to pursuit things."

"Kurea Hoashi is eighteen," Kazuhiko added, seeing a hopeful and then questioning twinkle in his old man's eyes. "She is too young for me."

"Nonsense!" The old man said, jovially. "What's wrong with having a young bride become your wife! Imagine the jealousy of your peers! What?" He asked over his son's incredulous expression. "Is she ugly or uncouth?"

"No," Kazuhiko allowed, before hastily adding; "but that does not mean that I am interested in her! Mother, which of these must be attended? I'll attend one that you cannot."

Madam Fumiko sighed as she considered the invitations once more. "To be invited by the Mayor is an honour and it is probably in our best interests to attend his party. Connections to others can be made and word of our school can be spread. As for these others, well it's true that they are well known and I wouldn't wish to harm our relationships with them, none stand out more than others."

"That settles it then!" His father slammed the palm of his hand startling Kou, who then began to giggle before copying his grandfather. Kazuhiko chose to distract his son with half a rusk biscuit. The baby took the bait and used his gums and lone tooth to gnaw at the sweet snack. "Your mother and I will attend the party of the city mayor, while you are free to pursue this girl at her mother's party!"

"Forget it."

That was what he had said, so how had it happened that he was now standing in this small hall of the Hoashi's, usually used for students to practice ensembles and reveal the accumulation their hard work to their parents, holding a glass of white wine? Kurea was standing beside him, dressed in a kimono of red and gold, her twinkling eyes demurely cast at the floor and her cheeks flushed pink. She had not moved from this spot since she had come to greet him. Kazuhiko was becoming increasingly uncomfortable about it all.

"I will be playing a short piece a little later," Kurea mentioned, so softly, he had to bend to hear her speak amongst the chatter of small clusters of people scattered about the room. "Will you listen?"

"Of course," he answered politely and she gave him a beaming smile, before finally leaving his side by two steps, to greet her friends.

It was as the invitation stated, a gathering of friends and family, no more, to be honest, could be squeezed into this hall. However, it seemed that the Hoashi's still had plenty of connections, Kazuhiko recognised a few. Many of them had surreptitiously sent glances their way, in curiosity, judgement, perhaps even wondering if congratulations were in order. Few did not know about Kazuhiko's current marital situation; it had been the source of much gossip. The handsome son of the Fumiko's cast aside his wife due to her inability to give him an Alpha child. Or, how tragic it was that this man was now once more upon the marital market, but came with the burden of an omega child.

Kazuhiko downed the wine in his glass and placed it upon the red clothed table behind him. He should have clearly stated to his parents that he was not interested in Kurea and never would be as he was interested in someone else. But he knew that they would have insisted on meeting Jun, despite the man not being aware of his intentions as of yet. And then there was the added complication that Jun was the mother to his oldest and secret son. He wasn't sure how they would react to that tidbit of information yet. He sighed, wondering how to untangle the mess he had made himself.

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