The Party

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Hope's POV (Day Of the Party)

I woke up and smiled. It was the day of my welcome back party. I am going to wear a navy blue dress that is long in the black and short in the front. I decided to curl my hair and do light make up. I took a shower and put on a sports bra and shorts. I decided to work out before I got ready for the party tonight. I went downstairs and grabbed a blood bag. I drank it and went to the gym. I worked out for a couple of hours before going home. I walked through the door and saw Elijah, Dad, and Kol freaking out.

"What's wrong?" I asked them and they all turned to me.

"Where the hell have you been?! We thought you were missing!" Kol yelled and then hugged me, "Ew you're sweaty."

"I was at the gym," I said and paused. "Didn't think I needed to tell you where I was going."

"Well a note would have been nice." dad said and sat down drinking his glass bourbon.

"Sorry," I said and smiled. "Well, I am going to go shower and then get ready." I went upstairs to my room and got in the shower. After my shower, I blow dried my hair and put it in a messy bun and started on my makeup. I did light makeup with navy blue eyeshadow and a light pink lipstick.  After my makeup was done I curled my hair. I put my favorite jewelry on and then my dress and shoes. When I was done I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door and saw Kol. He looked very handsome

"Everyone is here and downstairs. We are all waiting for you" He said and I put my arm through his and we walked to the stairs. "You look beautiful by the way."

"Thanks, Kol. You look handsome" he smiled and then a spotlight hit us.

"Everyone please welcome my daughter, who has been away for a while, Hope Mikealson!" I heard my dad saw and Kol and I walked downstairs. Once we got to the bottom the music started again and everyone continued their conversations. I walked over to my dad and Caroline. Caroline was wearing a beautiful blue dress and nude heels.

"Hope you look amazing!" Caroline said and hugged me.

"Thanks, Care. You look good too"

"You look, beautiful sweetheart,," Dad said and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks, dad." After talking to dad and Caroline for a little I went to the bar to get a drink.

"Bourbon please" I said and the bartender poured my drink and handed it to me.

"Your the guest of honor right?" I heard a voice say. I turned around a saw a random guy.

"Yes. I've been away for a couple of years and I'm finally home again." I said and he smiled.

"Home for good?" I nodded "that's good for me"

"And why's that?" I asked and he smiled.

"Because you are very beautiful and if you stay here I'll get the chance to take you out on a date sometime." I smiled.

"Well shouldn't I know your name first?"

"Grayson Salvatore" I almost choked on my drink. He must be Elena and Damon's son. (I know the math doesn't add up but he is 25 years old)

"Hope Mikaelson," I said and shook his hand.

"Well Hope Mikaelson, would you like to dance?" He asked and I smiled. He was very handsome. He had black hair, about 5'9, and had very blue eyes. I nodded my head and took his hand and he lead me to the dance floor. We danced for the rest of the party just talking. We were the last ones on the floor.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to go now," Grayson said as the last song played.

"You don't have to go. You could stay and we could keep talking. I want to know more about your family" I said and he smiled.

"Gotta keep something for the first date," he said and smiled.

"Which is?"

"Tomorrow. 8 pm? I'll pick you up here?"

"I'd love that. Where are we going?"

"That's a surprise." He kissed my cheek and left. After Grayson left I went up to my room and took off my makeup and changed into my pajamas. I was about to go to sleep when there was someone at my door. I told them to come in and Caroline opened the door.

"Hey Hope"

"Hi Care"

"Did you have fun tonight?"

"Yes. I had a lot of  fun"

"Well I saw you dancing with a very handsome guy" I blushed.

"He was very handsome. The thing is..." I paused. "His name is Grayson Salvatore," I said and she looked stunned.

"Salvatore. As in Elena, Damon, and Stefan Salvatore?" She asked

"I think so. We didn't get into his family while talking. But we are going on a date tomorrow." I said and she nodded.

"Do not tell your father any because he's hated the Salvatore brothers and Elena for a long time." I nodded. "Well, goodnight Hope."

"Night Care"

Hope Mikealson: After She Wakes *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now