Just Get Up.

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Budo sat up. He glanced over at his broken alarm clock, which read 5:48  in big, bold lettering. He stood up, fixing his black, feathered hair. The white, fluffy kitten that had been sleeping at the edge of his bed had perked his ears up, staring at Budo with wide, glistening eyes. He bent down and stroked the cat, then glancing back into the mirror to look at his own grey eyes. They were proud and defiant, yet sad and blank at the same time. 

A loud thump came from down the hall. The sound grew louder, and then the sound of glass breaking over a hard floor rang out across the house. Budo ignored this, pulling on his school uniform; the long-sleeved black button down coat with a white undershirt. He put on his pants and grabbed the white bandana that he always hung on his single coat hanger. It was worn and showed evidence of age, but he tied it around his head anyway, fixing it under the layers of his hair. Budo rummaged in his drawer until retrieving the red armband that signified that he was the founder and president of the Martial Arts Club. 

He slipped it on his right arm above his elbow and pushed open the door. Now there was screaming and yelling. The deep voice of his father scolded and yelled while the angry voice of his mother shrieked and screamed. They continued to fight, just as they always did at six o'clock in the morning. They would carry out this event until Budo came home from school, and then it would start again. Budo was used to this kind of behavior. He didn't bother to eat breakfast; he couldn't even get the food that his father had locked in the cabinet in case of "robbers". He knew he could easily break open the lock, or kick down the door, but he didn't bother. The fourteen years he'd been practicing Martial Arts had paid off, and that was the only thing that mattered to him now. Martial Arts....and someone else.

Budo swung the house door open, leaving abruptly. He walked down the sidewalk standing up straight, crossing his arms diligently. He heard footsteps behind him, and soon Taro was walking beside him. They stopped walking to acknowledge each other.

"Good morning, Budo," Taro said, bowing with his head, smiling. Budo bowed formally. "Morning Taro." They continued walking towards the school. "Do you know Ayano?"

Budo instantly began to blush. "N-Yes," he said snappily, amusing Taro. "W-What's it to you?!" Taro smiled knowingly. "I don't talk to her that much. Just wanted to see who did." Budo relaxed his fists, ignoring Taro, who had started to giggle. "If you like Ayano, then why don't you just ask her out?"

Budo waved this idea away. "I told you, I was in a relationship before. It...didn't work out."

Taro put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, man."

Budo shrugged. "Eh. It's ok. Ayano sure seems to know who she wants to be with."

He pointed at Taro. "You." Taro shivered. "She's freaking me out." Budo smiled. "You get used to it."

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