Chapter 2

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After my father had walked out, my mum had soon followed. I sat there confused. What had just happened? Why where my parents suddenly so shaken up? I was so lost in my thoughts I hadn't heard my father come back in.

"Willow, We are having a meeting tonight at 6pm. You will be required to attend".

I slowly raised an eyebrow at my father confused, before I could question him he left the room..... Well something must be seriously wrong if a meeting was being called. Hardly ever is a meeting called and when it is, it isn't good news. Also father hardly was ever serious, when he was you knew something was terribly wrong.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked at the clock realising I had only an hour to get ready. I walked up to my room and put on my favourite little black dress, leather jacket and my knee high boots. I left my hair down in it's natural waves and applied some eyeliner and lip gloss.

As I was making my way down the stairs I smelt different scents and loud chatter. It sounded like the meeting room was starting to fill up, that meant I had to grace my parents with my presence and take my place next to them. You see, as the next heir to take the alpha position I am required to attend all meetings. I didn't really want to be the next Alpha, my people disliked me purely because I was a hybrid. Shifters are still quite outdated and assume we should stay within our own species. My father says when he first met mum it was love at first sight, he knew then and there they where destined to be soulmates. My grandparents, his parents didn't take it so well. In the end dad gave them an ultimatum when he found out mum was pregnant with me. Eventually they did give in and accepted it. Doesn't mean others have to though. My people sure do not. It doesn't help I am known as the Rebellious Princess.... My early teenage years where quite fun. I disobeyed my father on many occasions and got up to no good. Thus the name the Rebellious Princess.

I was now seated and waiting for this boring meeting to start. Every chair was occupied but one. It was a throne chair. That meant only one thing. That asshole was going to attend! I sat there grinding my molars. Waiting for him to appear. He was always late .

As I turned to chew my dads head off, the doors opened banging into the walls, followed by a tall muscled figure walking through. Of course he couldn't enter like a normal lion, he had to be a complete. Utter show off.

Everyone turned to watch the Lion King walk in. Before I could stop myself I let out an unladylike snicker that had everyone turning to me, including the Lion King.

I sat up straighter and glared straight at the fur-ball. He took his time eye raping me. I was about to chew his head off, but before I could my dad coughed loudly, when I turned to him he was trying to cover his smile. I rolled my eyes. men.

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