Chapter 1.

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I raised my hands ready to strike when I was thrown to the ground, landing with an oomph. I quickly got back up looking for the source of the blow, but there was only silence. It was much too quite, even the birds had stopped singing there melodies. The trees had stopped swaying, like they knew something big was about to happen.

Whatever was going on I wasn't sticking around to find out. So I took off back towards home.

Once I stepped foot through the village all eyes turned to me, you see my family are very powerful. We come from a long line of ancient lion shifters. People are fascinated by me as I'm a hybrid. My mother is a witch, while my dad is a lion shifter. not just any shifter, he is the Alpha of the Lions while mom is the alpha female that rules by his side.

Once I was safely inside I searched or should I say smelt around for my parents. The scent lead me through the kitchen where they were having breakfast. I walked in to see my mother at the stove and my father reading his morning paper while eating his normal breakfast - bacon and eggs.

"Where have you been Willow?"

I turned around to see my mom looking directly at me with a disapproving look. One could say she looked seriously pissed. Literally.

I put my innocent smile on and battered my eyelids. Apparently that was the wrong thing to do as she hit me with the tea towel she was holding while cursing in Italian.

"Momma! I was in the woods, something attacked me, it was an invisible force."

My mother face quickly turned to panic scanning my body for any visible injuries, once she noticed I was fine she looked to my father concerned. My father excused himself from the room pulling his phone out.

I sat there utterly confused and slightly concerned about my parents reaction. What was going on?

*** mistakes will be present on all chapters as they are unedited. Please VOTE & COMMENT if you enjoy my first story***

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