Chapter 31: Get it in writing, child

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Chapter 31: Get it in writing, child

'Izo, Izo'.

I looked around, it was a black abyss with nothing but a voice coming out of no where.



'Good, you hear me'.

A man in black stepped out of the shadows. He has a yellow beck attached to the red mask he was wearing, along with a chequered top hat and small red intricate design under his left eye. His hair was long and white along with his white slitted eyes.

'Who are you?'.

He frowned.

'To think you don't remember me', he grinned.

I looked at him closely and remembered the evil grin.


'Hooray', he said and clapped sarcastically.

'Why are you here, inside my head... my dreams'.

'Not quite the right way to treat one who gave you your deal'.

I looked down .

'What do you want'.

'Still not the best treatment but it's good enough. I don't want anything, just checking to see how you're going'.

I looked back up at him trying to hold my desire to kill him as much as I could.

'I admire your attempt to hold back your desires, but it will not work'.

I narrowed my eyes slightly.

'You said one thing'.

'It was one thing'.

'No it wasn't'.

'This is more than one memory'.

'No, it's a chain of memories, child'.

'And my contact with him, where has that gone'.

'That is temporary, you will be able to communicate with him soon'.


He smiled calmly.

'Get it in writing next time, child'.

The dream blurred and completely disappeared. I felt a consistent pounding of my chest, I opened my eyes.

'What the hell Izo, your eyes', Sakura exclaimed.


'They're gone, never mind'.

'What were you doing, it feels like you've been dancing on my chest'.

'Your breathing stop, your heart isn't even beating and you don't even know?'.


'You were dead'.

I felt for my heart beat, it was beating... but softly.

'I, I was dreaming...'.

She looked at me intensely, lines of worry showing on her face.

'Only... only he can get into your dreams. Dammit Izo why him, him of all people'.

I looked at her.

'Okay, fine... I made a deal, but what is so bad about Vanquis?'.

She was silent.


'He will make you loose control... he gives you something, but he'll give you too much..', she looked at the ground as if she wanted to kill something.

'I fell fine'.

'Your eyes before.... they changed but went back to normal'.

'….. What did they look like'.

'White, slits'.

'It's his eyes, why did I have Vanquis's eyes...?'.


'Paragon', I accidentally said aloud.

'What?, Sakura asked.

'… uh nothing, I though aloud'.


'Master! You're okay'.

'Yea, I'm sorry... something happened'.

'You, didn't have to. Of all people why would you make a deal with Vanquis...'.

'Izo? Still there'.

'Yea, yea.'.

I held my hands to my eyes.

'I, I feel fine'.

'You will, for a bit. My brother he made a deal with Vanquis. He's dead or atleast spending the rest of his life in an eternal void...'.

'You had a brother'.

'Uchiha, her brother that is'.

'Uchiha was his name'.

'A fire user, dragon too'.

'Fire dragon?', I asked her.


'Paragon is talking to me....'.

Her eyes widened.

'You no longer feel pain?'.

'No, that stopped a long time ago'.


'Why, why would you say that..'.

'I need to tell her....'.

'Master, what are you doing!', he said suddenly worried.

'What's wrong'.

'I feel like....'.

'What's wrong!', I said aloud.

'What is happened'.

'Something, something happened to h.....'.

I began to feel the same thing as Paragon. I fell to my knees.

'Wha.... is'.

The air in my lungs was being squeezed out, I felt my insides crush and flip.

I vomited something....


Sakura was on her knees trying to hold me up.

'OI IZO!'.

I felt my eyes burn.

'Your eyes... what the hell'.

I vomited again but this time it was a black mist.

I ears were ringing, my head throbbing my whole body on fire.

'What.... IZO!', Kiyoko yelled as she walked in.

She was by my side hugging me.

'Go get help', Sakura said almost yelling at her.

She sprinted out the door.

'M-my head...'.

My ears and head felt like they were about to burst open.

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