Chapter 16: New Training

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Chapter 16: New Training

'Wow today was fun', I thought to myself.

I went to sleep early that night though throughout the whole night I felt restless unable to get much sleep.

'Izo... Izo wake up it's time to train', Sakura said.

'Ah, sorry I'll be out in 10 minutes'.

I got ready quickly and went to our training room. She sent a beam directly at me as soon as I entered.

'Quite hasty today', I said while side stepping it and appearing behind her. A sword of ice formed as I swung my hand giving her a gash on her shoulder.

'Have you learnt nothing Izo, you're wide open'.

She turned around with a knife and thrust it into my stomach.

'I have learnt much thanks to these training sessions'.

I let it impact the solid ice I formed.

'Should I really be training with this lock'.

'It's fine unless you get some amazing power up'.

'There's a chance'.

'There is but it's slim'.


We trained for hours undisturbed until she decided to change her form.

'I want to see you in a stronger form'.






'You know I'll pester you all day about it'.

She sighed.

'You have 1 objective. See this hat, get it off and I'll fight you in my second form', She said pointing at a small black top hat laced with white lace on her head.

'Is that all?'.

'It's harder than you'd think'.

'But it's possible'.

'Of course it is would I give you an impossible task'.


'No.. I won't'.

'Yes you will'.

She sighed.

'I'm not going to bother with this'.

'Oh come on Sakura, you know you want too'.

'One chance, shatter the ice and I will train you in my second form'.

'It will fall off'.

'Oh trust me it'll stay on'.

'Will that be all'.

'Yes you have this whole training session to shatter the ice'.

'Okay'. 4 dagger hit the wall behind her as she dodged my attack.

'I suggest you at least go into your first form'.


'Suit yourself, but as soon as you fall unconscious or can't train anymore you won't have another chance'.

'I'll be taking my chances today'.

She sighed. She came up behind be with a dagger.

'Stay alert'. She plunged into my kidney.

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