𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 7: 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞

417 31 2

Date: April 14, 1990
Location: Detroit, MI

Today I'm going on my date with Marcus so to make sure I look good but also appropriate I called for Tamina to come over and asked Kisha for her help

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Today I'm going on my date with Marcus so to make sure I look good but also appropriate I called for Tamina to come over and asked Kisha for her help.

"Ooo put this on it looks cute, " Tamina said handing me a skirt to try on.

So I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror.

I ain't look too bad and my ass looks pretty big but also perky.

"Alright how do I look, " I asked them when I turned around from the mirror.

"Eh it's not working for me, " Kiesha said as Tamina rolled her eyes, " Girl you look fine as hell in that skirt."

"You know what maybe I need a guy opinion, " I said as I then put on a shirt and walked out of my bedroom with the girls following me into Malcolm's room.

"Malcolm how this skirt look, " I asked my brother who shook his head no.

"It looks like you need to change that skirt. If yo ass bend over to pick up something the whole neighborhood and Marcus gonna see yo ass and more. Change it, " Malcolm said before he left out his room making me huff and roll my eyes.

Then I noticed that Marshall was in here so maybe I can ask him.

"Marshall how do I look in this skirt, " I asked Marshall who shook his head no not trying to get involved but after me constantly pleading he finally gave in.

"Dammit girl turn around, " Marshall asked so I did a whole 360 turn while Marshall looked at my skirt and not anything else hopefully.

"So...Marshall is it okay, " I asked as Marshall looked like he was in a daze making me raise an eyebrow.

"Hey jackass it is okay, " I asked louder bringing his attention back.

"Um..um...yeah you look good, " Marshall said as I smiled happily.

"See I told you even Marshall likes it, " Tamina said as I laughed.

"Alright thanks Marshall, now all we need to find is a shirt." I said as we then went back into my room to find a shirt.

But while looking for it I noticed Marshall looking at me from the side of my eye, but just ignored it.

I then changed into my outfit.

Anika's Outfit, Hairstyle, & Makeup

            Anika's Outfit, Hairstyle, & Makeup

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Once I was ready to go I got my jacket and grabbed my purse as I then left out my bedroom to see Tamina their

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Once I was ready to go I got my jacket and grabbed my purse as I then left out my bedroom to see Tamina their.

"Awe you look cute, " Tamina said making me blush as I did a little twirl.

"Marcus is gonna be all over you, " Tamina said as I just laughed some as Malcolm shook his head no.

"No the hell he ain't if he knows what's best." Malcolm said making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Why would you go on a date with a boy named after me anyway, " my younger brother Marcus asked.

"Because I don't care what his name is, " I said shrugging.

"So if his name was Dick or Jack-me-off you would still go out would him, " Marshall said making me laugh.

"First of all who would name their child that, " I said ignoring him as I heard the doorbell ring. And opened it to see Marcus who looked so casual but handsome in his own way.

"Hey, you in you look good, " Marcus said making me blush, " Thanks, " I said blushing. "So you ready to go, " He asked as I nodded my head, " Great, " he answered as I turned around, " See you later Tamina, I'll call you when I get home at about 8:30, and you boys better not try to fuck up my date by calling the places we go to." I argued as I then smiled as I shut the door and went on my date with Marcus.

Our date consisted of us going to the carnival where we rode roller coasters and we then went to the movies and seen House Party which was too damn funny.

We got hungry so we went to Gilbert's Lodge.

"Have an idea of what your eating, " Marcus asked as I shook my head no.

"Not really probably just a burger and some fries, " I answered skimming through the menu.

Afterward, we ordered our food and while waiting for it we continued to talk and laugh, while also flirting. And honestly, I enjoyed it until we got our food but apparently, something was in Marcus food so we had to send it back but even then Marcus food so they had the cook come out and look who it was
....motherfucking Marshall this is some bullshit.

"Marshall care to explain why their meal has hair in it, " the assistant manager asked.

Fuck this escalated too damn quick.

"Um actually we're fine Marcus here you can just have my food I didn't really eat much," I said annoyed and sick and tired of all the arguing going on and I didn't want things to escalate.

"No I'm good Anika, cause he's gonna fix my shit and bring me some better food out, " Marcus said making me raise an eyebrow and look at Marshall.

"Look Marshall just tell us where the hair came from, " the assistant manager asked as Marshall stood there then smirked a little.

"I know where it came from....it's hair from my pubes, " Marshall said making me look up at him in shock before putting my head down in embarrassment as Marcus then lunged over to fight Marshall.

And let's just say that night Marshall got fired from Gilbert's Lodge, Marcus and I got banned, and Marcus and I are never going out again since he tried to swing on me since I knew Marshall so Marshall punched Marcus and we ran out if Gilbert's Lodge together.

"Marshall why'd you pull that shit man, " I asked as Marshall laughed.

"That fool's a bitch with a stick up his ass, " Marshall said making me laugh.

"You ruined my fucking date asshole, " I compliance.

"If anything I saved your narrow ass from being with ignorant ass boy, " Marshall argued back.

"Now you're starting to act like my damn brother telling me who I can and can't date. You don't even know Marcus he's a sweet guy, " I complained.

"Your right he probably is but he means for you baby girl trust me. Besides he doesn't even seem like your type." Marshall said.

"And how would you know what's my type" I questioned as Marshall shrugged his shoulders.

"You no or are those M&M's in your head going stale, " I teased as Marshall lightly pushed me making me laugh.

𝖶𝗁𝗒 𝖨 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝖸𝗈𝗎 𝖲𝗈 𝖬𝗎𝖼𝗁 - Eminem 𝖥𝖺𝗇𝖿𝗂𝖼Where stories live. Discover now