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Wednesday September 9th, 2021

Sup Journal,

I am so bored, so very bored. I am sitting on this stupid plane slamming my head into the seat. Tomorrow I will be starting my first day of Luna High. A school for super beings. Each class/section/race (whatever you want to call it) has to follow certain rules.

For Villains they have to 1.) Stay off each other's property, 2.) Can only wound heroes, 3.) Can't date, marry, or fuck humans, and 4.) Fight other villains unless they break the rules.

For Heroes they can't 1.) Kill, 2. Let the civilians know who they are, 3.) Marry or date a human (unlike the villains they can fuck), and 4.) They have to protect the civilians with their lives. (Which is stupid because the villains can't kill them anyway.)

Lastly are the Undecided (that's me). There are no rules for us because by the time we graduate we have to have picked being a villain or hero, or we become regular humans. Ugh. Those people can't do anything for themselves.

My mom is the infamous super villain, Cobra and my dad is the famous super hero the Astounding Guardian. So you can see why I'm so confused on what to become. I was kicking the chair of this girl with soccer ball earrings to try and entertain myself, when my friend Sakura sat down next to me. Sakura wears her brown to her chin and has brown eyes. Her hair curls on the end, kinda like Buttercup from the Powerpuff girls. By the way my name is Erigona Cracket, though most people call me Fudge.

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