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Hey, mom! Surprisingly, I've done what you asked and started keeping a journal. I still think it's stupid to write my entire experience at Luna High, but I understand that you want to feel connected to me.

Right now all the students are on the plane to the Hawai (I still can't believe that it's in Luna volcano). I don't know how you and Dad did it before us. Were you as scared as I am right now? Did you worry that everyone would make fun of your powers? That you weren't as strong as everyone else? I know if you were here right now you would tell me to hold my head up and remember that I'm part of the Lawren legacy. The greatest superhero family that ever lived! But even as I tell myself this, I don't feel reassured. Heath hasn't been of any help either (how did you birth such an idiot). Since we've left, he's been fighting with Rafael (our cousin remember) over your iPad, with me stuck in the middle.

"Give it back, Heath," Raphael shouted in my ear. He had on his usual black hoodie that covered his whole face and belt full of weapons, Underneath was the school uniform. A white button down shirt, red plaid tie, and trousers. Heath and I had on the same thing. I had the choice of wearing a skirt, but it might get in the way of my sports powers. I still wear the soccer ball earrings you gave me when I was young to teach me to be proud of my ability.

"No! It's mine." Heath shouted loud enough for you to hear him from home.

"No, it's not. It's your mom's."

"Yeah, it's my mom's, so it's technically mine." (Remember that it's not too late to give him up). Heath finally got a good hold of the iPad and yanked it out of Rafael's hands. He stuck his tongue out at him before turning back to play a game. Rafael just sulked next to me, grumbling to himself. To make matters worse there's this girl with dark blue rimmed glasses, black eyes, and black hair pulled into a messy bun kicking my seat. Mom, I feel like this is going to be a long trip.

The Struggles of a Teenage Superحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن