━ chapter iv

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──── ❝ chapter iv ❞ ────

❝ i'll try ❞


THE REST OF THE NIGHT went off without a hitch, but boring you with all the details won't get us anywhere. I did what every good daughter is supposed to and mingled with the guests, spoke to Ah Ma for a while- when she wasn't bringing up my past mistakes- shortly after the ceremony and ate at least one serving of everything on the dessert table. Okay, the last one wasn't apart of the "what-a-good-daughter-should-do" list but it seemed to make my aunties happy since they were the ones that recommended the chef. All this while successfully and skillfully avoiding Nick and his fling and Evangeline!

From the comfort of my bedroom window, I blissfully watched the last of the guest start to depart, two of those guests being Nick and Rachel.

I started to feel a sense of relief washing over me when I saw Nick help Rachel into the passenger side of Dad's pristine, luxury sports car. Unfortunately, my brother decided to take a final glance at our house, a glance that was pointed at the window I had been looking through. Out of instinct, I retreated by pulling the curtain back, even though I knew very well that he had seen me staring down.

I didn't have long to dwell on this fact before my phone started beeping from my bed. The name at the top of the call screen brought a gentle smile to my lips in the midst of my dwindling anger.

"Hey," I said in a joyful- genuinely joyful- voice.

"Hi, gorgeous," Joey spoke back. "How's home treating you?"

"Well, it's only been one day and I spent most of it sleeping anyway, so we haven't gotten into the full extent of the degradation from Ah Ma and my mother that I'll be experiencing on his trip," I sighed lowly. "Oh, and did I mention that Nick's new girlfriend is a total bitch? I mean, she got pastries all over me tonight!"

"What?" Joey gasped.

"Yeah! An entire pineapple tart straight to my favorite dress. Can you believe it?"

"Was it purposely?" Joey asked.

I felt my face blush for up-playing what had happened, "Well, uh, no, but still. How stupid do you have to be to get food on someone?"

There was silence on the other end for a minute. I couldn't tell you why but my heartbeat spiked just a little. Perhaps it was because I was fearful Joey would disagree on this with me, something that happened quite often when it came to scenarios as such. I mean, Joey was always one to look at the brighter sides of people while I was so shielded from people that I deflected them with everything I had.

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