━ chapter xii

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──── ❝ chapter xii ❞ ────

❝ walk of shame  ❞


          ONE OF THE KEY PARTS to being a Singaporean socialite is making a statement. How you make said statement doesn't always matter. What does matter is that you look fabulous while doing it, and, if you're like me, you always look fabulous. Even so, natural beauty had nothing on how utterly gorgeous I felt when I stepped out of the yellow taxi cab.

          The puke-green frock I was supposed to wear was promptly thrown away in place of the stunning and sparkling ensemble Oliver had expertly tailored. Gold, just as I had wanted it before, with glimmering beads scattered in a nonsensical pattern across the skirt and top which were separated at the waist by a satin ribbon. It was long-sleeved and with a swan-necked collar to preserve some of the modesty that Asher would no doubt be frantic over. Still, a tight collar and covered wrists were a small loss if it meant I could preserve my fashion icon status.

          The camera flashes had started even before Peik Lin opened the door for Rachel and I, but when Singapore's golden boy's girlfriend and sister walked out of the same car together, the paparazzi lost their minds. This in itself was a huge statement: Rachel Chu and Diana Young entered the wedding of the century together? The sister approves? Or was it the recently confirmed girlfriend of Asher Kim entering without her newly beloved that sent them into a frenzy?- Another thing that Asher would berate me for.

          Whatever the case may be, you could tell Rachel was reveling in the spotlight. It wasn't the kind you'd see from the other women here, though. It was subdued, like she had just realized for the first time that she was beautiful. That she hadn't felt it, that she was sure she was.

          "You know, Rachel," I got close to her so that she could hear me over the wedding media clamor. "I do believe we have a carpet to walk."

          Rachel smirked at me while looping her arm through mine. "I believe so as well!"

          The carpet wasn't long, as it was the length from the street to the cathedral doors, but the walk from the car to the entrance was imperative to how you were perceived in the media.

          Kitty Pong was the first to stop us. She had a high ponytail that was clearly trying to emulate Ariana Grande's but stopped just short of being a Jojo Siwa ponytail as there was no bow. Not to mention her dress was the color of a goddamn highlighter. Seriously, it hurt my eyes. Still, her "You're both so gorgeous!" comment made my heart swell with joy.

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