Summary and Description

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Kaylin:   She grew up in Texas until she was 13 and 1/2, her dad - Aiden's job had them move to Fawcett Philadelphia. She has a southern accent and loves superhero's. Her brother is 19 and trying to find a collage. She is 14 and going to Fawcett Central and trying to figure out her new life. When she is stressed she goes boxing and when she wants to kick something she goes and runs while playing soccer. Kaylin King is a 14 year old who likes to punch and kick things, but not people. She meets a girl named Lizzie and isn't quite sure what to make of her eighth year in school.

Name: Kaylin King
Age; 14
Height: 5'4
Talent: Soccer, Boxing
Nationality: American, Viking
Favorite thing to do: Listen to music
Favorite Food: Tacos.
Favorite Drink: Dr Pepper
Family: (Dad) Aiden King, (Mom) Emily King, (Brother) Liam King,
Birthday:  April 1st.
Place of Birth: McAllen, Texas

Name: Lizzie Grace
Full Name: Elizabeth Courtney Grace
Age; 14
Height: 5'6
Talent: Tinkering, Reading
Nationality: American
Favorite thing to do: Reading
Favorite Food: Pancakes
Favorite Drink: Wild Cherry Fanta
Family: (Dad) Thomas Grace, (Mom) Karen Grace
Birthday:  November 3
Place of Birth: Fawcett, Philadelphia

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