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"Venom, come out here, please?" You asked in a very childish voice. Venom sighed and poked his head out, groaning. "What do you want?" "Can you make yourself solid, like the other symbiotes?" Venom looked at you funny and tilted his head. "What?" "Can you make yourself like human form in front of me, right now?" You asked him. Venom shook his head. "No, I can't." "Oh..." "Why do you ask?" Venom pressed on. You jumped a little and leaned into Venom. "Wait, aren't you reading my thoughts?" You asked him. He shook his head and slipped back into your body. (I have a feeling he is...but right know he could care less...) You looked out the window, into the cold night, and sighed. You ran outside without thought, and jumped high into the sky, using Venom's inhuman abilities to your advantage. <(Y/n), what are you doing!?> Venom growled, holding you back by latching onto the ground. He yanked you down and you fell flat on your back, groaning. "Ow, ow, ow!" You mumbled to yourself. <What are you doing!?> Venom growled. You tried not to think, not wanting Venom to know what you were up to. "Venom, help me find someone, quick!" You screamed, franticly looking around. <What?> You shot up once Venom loosened his grip and ran without thought. One building caught your eye, it was huge but abandoned, maybe someone lived there. You looked inside and saw dead bodies scattered on the floor. You froze for a minute and smelled the foul air that reeked of death and decaying bodies. Your nose turned inside out, and you cupped your nose, entering. "Oh no...these bodies...they're from Carlton..." You stepped inside and heard a crunch under your foot, but you didn't stop to see what it was. You moved on and saw a woman, who's arms were ripped off along with her head. This sight was one of the many effects of the symbiotes and Carlton. All these people might have lived here at one point, until a symbiote came along. "Oh god...I think I'm going to be sick!" Just the thought of all the screaming women and men made your stomach twist with a feverish heat. You cupped your mouth and ran outside, throwing up whatever you ate. Venom came out of your back and hissed. "(Y/n), what the hell are you doing!?" You stopped and caught your breath, crying a little. "I...I just wanted to..." Venom didn't read your mind, but he did have a clue as to what you were up to. "Look (Y/n), I appreciate the thought, but-" "-No, I can still do this!" You walked on and Venom sighed, knowing he would be wasting his breath to argue. You looked down the sidewalk, where abandoned houses lay destroyed on the sides. This didn't faze you, nothing really did anymore. "There!" You ran up to a man's body, who was dead. However, he looked fresh like something or someone was here and slaughtered him, and perhaps all these people. You poked the man's dead body, receiving no movement from it. "Venom, can you control his dead body?" "Yes, I can." Venom said in all honesty, now worried as to where you were going with this. "Can you do it, please?" Venom looked at you like you were insane and hesitated. "Ugh...why?" He asked. "Just do it!" You growled. Venom shot out of your body and landed on the man's sinking into it. Venom slowly transformed the man into himself and looked down at you with huge narrow white eyes. "Holy shit..." You muttered. He was bigger than you had expected, reaching over six feet tall by a long shot. He had huge fangs and a very bulky body. "So, what did you want me to do?" Venom asked, wanting to return to your body because this one was uncomfortable for him. He had just gotten used to yours, he really didn't want to have to adjust to a third body. "Nothing!" "Hmm?" You threw yourself into him and hugged him, paralyzing Venom from sudden shock. "What the!?" Venom felt you try to wrap your arms around his whole body, but you couldn't because your arms were too small. "What...are you doing?" You looked up at him innocently and batted your eyes at him. "You don't know what a hug is?" Venom rubbed his neck and blushed. "Oh, that practice...yes, I am familiar with the ritual." "Practice, ritual? Boy you have a lot to learn about us humans! But in the meantime, I think it would be better if you read my mind." Venom was dumbfounded, how was a symbiote supposed to react to their host acting so open to them all of a sudden? Not to mention you hated the idea and fact that he could. "Wait, why the sudden change of heart?" Venom asked. You rested your head on his chest and blushed. "Well...it's just that...I can't ever imagine what it's like to lose someone you care for...like Eddie." Venom saw through your lie and shook his head. "You're lying to us, you do know what it's like to lose someone you're close to." Venom knew you lost your family and everyone else to Carlton, if anything, you were more familiar with death than Venom was. You started to cry, and you hugged him more. "I know...but...if I ever hope to prevent any futures like mine...then I need to get closer to you...I ugh...thought of this way..." You blushed. "Hmm...I see now, you wish to be close to me...but not inside your own body?" He questioned. "N-no! I-I want you in my body!" You blurted, starring at him. You slowly lowered your head and breathed silently. "I didn't mean it to sound weird." "No worries, we understand you." Venom hugged you back and you felt so small compared to him. You could feel his strength crushing you, it was nice to know he was really strong. "Geez...you're strong." You wheezed. "Sorry." He stopped crushing you and you laughed. "It's ok! Now, get inside me before-" "-Huh, who are you?" A brown-haired boy, who looked drowsy interrupted you as he rubbed his eyes. He yawned, stretching out as he smacked his lips, tired. You let go of Venom and starred at the boy, perplexed. "Huh? A kid? Wait..." You remembered a little boy in one of the cells, at the Life Foundations, crying for his mom. That image of him hit you like a punch in the face, causing you to recall his condition. You shook your head and rubbed your neck. "No way...you're that kid...but how did you get out?" You asked. "(Y/n), this kid isn't anything to mess with..." Venom growled, sensing a symbiote on the boy. "Huh?" The boy shifted his weight and mumbled. "I'm sorry...I don't want to kill you." He said. "What!?" The little boy looked up to you and cried. "It's for my mommy...promise, I wouldn't kill you if I didn't have to." He sniffled and wiped his tears away. "Well..." A gray symbiote came out of his shoulder and the boy glared at him. "I could care less about killing you, after all that would mean you don't struggle and slip away from us...however, Carlton never told us you had a symbiote." "Carlton!? Why the hell does he want me?" You asked the symbiote and boy. The symbiote looked at his host for an answer and the boy suddenly cried out in tears. His tears streamed down his cheeks as his mouth hung wide open with a shrill cry echoing out of it. "It doesn't matter!" The boy cried out in tears. "Hehehe! Spoken like a true poet!" The symbiote laughed. "He's influencing him!" You said to Venom. "And we have no time to merge!" Venom groaned. "Don't worry, I can fight to!" You grinned, cracking your knuckles. "No, you stay back! They want you not me!" Venom pushed you behind him and you grunted. "Tyrant! Kill them!" The boy screamed. "As you command, Lucas." The symbiote forced the boy to transform and he turned into a slender, thin monster. He rolled his claws around his face and licked his lips. "Hehehe! Orders are orders, I'm afraid we cannot avoid this one." You stepped back and Venom shielded you. "Tyrant!" Venom hissed. "Oh!? Venom!? It has been some time...but a girl? Oh my, you must have grown desperate..." Tyrant laughed. "Bastard! She actually gave me her body, right (Y/n)?" "Yeah, but ugh...w-we're kind of split right now..." You muttered, nervous. Venom rubbed his neck and moaned. "Yes, we can see that." Tyrant held his chin and snickered, waving his hand. "Heh! Go ahead, merge, I don't care. Another body won't make a difference for us!" You narrowed your eyes at Tyrant and crossed your arms, studying him. "Huh? Why so confident?" You questioned. "That's just Tyrant, hurry up (Y/n)." Venom said. You nodded and you grabbed his hand. Venom slipped back into your body, forcing his way into you, which was more painful than the first time. "Ow, ow! Venom, a little slower!" You cried out. "Hahaha! This is the girl that Carlton wants! Oh my, what an absolute disappointment!" The body dropped to the ground and you cracked your neck. "Venom, let's show this guy his place." <Agreed.> Venom transformed with the same bulky structure he had, not a trace of a feminine feature on him. "Hmm...I must say I am shocked that you look just like a man...how come?" Tyrant asked. "My host may be a girl, but she has enough muscle to be transformed into a male and female body. We are appeasing both sides here." Venom explained. "I see now...your host dislikes the idea of showing off her body on you! Hehehehe!" <Rip him to shreds, Venom!> You ordered. "Agreed! Let's end this Tyrant!" Tyrant cackled and made his arms long spears. "Time to finish you once and for all!" He screamed. "Let's see how far you get!"

Venom x Reader (Alternate ending) (On hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ