A long lost parasite

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The two symbiotes took you outside, near a pier that looked abandoned. "What is this place?" You mumbled, being thrusted forward. "Gah!" You fell on your face and barred your teeth. "Bastards!" You snapped your neck around and saw that their hands were huge spears. "Oh, crap, no!" You sprinted towards the end of the pier and looked down at the water. The water showed a scared and pale faced girl, running from her fear. The water was deep, it looked like it could swallow you if you jumped in. You turned to them and shuddered. "Time to die, brat!" You felt your whole body turn to stone, you couldn't move at all, you were frozen solid. "St-stop it!" The words suddenly exploded from your throat. Both the symbiotes looked at each other and laughed. You started to cry in anger, in fear, and words wouldn't stop coming out of your mouth. "You bastards! If I could kill you with a symbiote, I would!" You roared in rage. The grey one crossed his arms and laughed. "Here's the thing, not every symbiote wants a host. Some are stubborn and die off, as for us, we are going to take over your world." You growled and barred your teeth at them. "Wait!" You all turned to a voice and you gasped. "What? Carlton?" Carlton grinned, crossing his arms. "Glad to see your still in one piece." He snickered. You glared at him, not attempting to get on his good side. "I mean, you did order them to kill me." You said a bit confused. Carlton snickered and waved his hand at you. "Fine, don't kill her, let her go." Carlton said, smiling. "Huh!?" You glowered at him and crossed your arms. "What's your game?" You asked him. "Oh, nothing really!" He lied, giving you a corny smile. "Run along now!" Carlton shooed you with the wave of his hand and you bolted. "Don't let her go!" The grey symbiote yelled. "Stop it, let her go." Carlton warned them, grinning as you ran away. "She will be a use for us." "Huh? What do you mean?" "You'll see in time. One way or another, she will come running back to me. After all, that mark on her face is too deep to ignore and heal by normal means, Riot made sure of that." Carlton returned to his lab and the two symbiotes followed. (With her unique body, she might make a perfect match for Poison...)


You didn't stop running from him because you expected him to right on your tail, but he wasn't. You stopped, in the city. The darkness has set itself upon the horizon line, slowly lifting into the air. You saw the stars blinking in the night, trying to stay strong. You walked to the sea and you sat down, sighing. The ocean always made you relaxed, even though it was exceptionally cold tonight. Your cut was growing more and more painful to bear. It throbbed and with the cold salty air, it clipped your peeled skin without hesitation. You rubbed your arms for warmth and let your legs dangle on the edge of the pier, kicking your feet in and out. "Why did he let me go? It makes no sense..." You trailed off and sighed, not being able to come up with something. The moon shined brightly, illuminating the night sky. You admired its beauty, absorbing the amazing sight. You leaned on your legs, sighing. "Unless he plans to kill me later..." You sat straight up and looked out at the sea, thinking. You heard something splash in the water below you and you looked down, starring at a ripple in the water. You tilted your head, looking into the water. "What was that?" You leaned in but couldn't see anything there. "Hmm...maybe it's a fish that wants something to eat...hmm..." You got up and looked around you, trying to spot any food. You saw a torn down store, which you figured had something in it. You walked to the store and ducked under the pole that fell on the door. You could see empty cans and everything else scattered on the floor. This place was ransacked a long time ago, no doubt. You shook your head and tried looking for something, anything. You found a piece of chocolate, half eaten, but still good. You ducked under the pole and walked back out to the pier, where the fish was. You looked down, seeing a ripple. "Heh! Here little fishy!" You threw a piece of candy in the water and you sat down. "I know it might kill you, but at least you have something to eat now." You kicked your legs again and something popped its head out of the water, causing a huge ripple to form. "Hmm? Want some more?" You threw some more in and you waited for something to happen. You kicked your legs and looked out at the water, thinking. "I wonder...can fish actually eat chocolate? Don't they have to have teeth?" You questioned yourself. The fish poked its head out again, asking for more. "Ok, ok, I'll just give you the whole thing." You threw the rest of it in and you waited for the fish. After five minutes of waiting, the fish never came back. "Mmm...I guess it does kill fish." You moaned, hanging your head down. Then, something snatched your leg, causing you to jump. "Wahhh!" You ripped your leg free and you scooted back, scared. "What was that? Was that the fish...no...fish don't feel like slime." You slowly crawled over to the edge and peeked over. Before you could even see, something jumped on your face and you screamed. You tore it off and threw it into the ground, starring at it. "What the hell!?" You froze, seeing the black blob bubbling and hissing. "No way...a symbiote!?" You looked at it closer and it seemed more scared of you then you were of it. "But...why were you in the water? Don't you need a host to live?" You asked it, as it slumped over, feeling weak. You felt bad for the symbiote, it looked like it was dying, slowly waiting for its death to fall upon it. You curled your fingers into your palm and bit your lip, cursing at yourself. "I must be insane..." You walked up to it and knelt down. "Here, take me as your host." You said, reaching your arm out to it. The symbiote seemed to be playing dead or it really was. "If I help you, you have to help me kill Carlton, deal?" You asked it. The symbiote raised itself up and looked at you, waving its head around. "What? I don't want to see you die, I have a heart...besides...maybe I can change you into a good symbiote..." You snickered and shook your head. "I am absolutely insane for doing this. I'm pretty much selling my soul to the devil." You scoffed, not even believing yourself. The symbiote swallowed your hand, crawling into your body and you could feel it sinking in. You groaned at how weird it felt to be letting a symbiote crawl all over your skin. You stood up once the symbiote was inside you and you flexed your fingers, knowing that you were now a slave to this parasite. "So...now what? I don't seem to be taken over yet." <I'm not going to take over you, (Y/n).> You spun around, looking for the low and demonic voice. "Who said that!?" You screamed. <I suppose you are new to this.> You felt something slimy come out of your shoulder and you looked to your side, seeing a black symbiote head with huge fangs. "Ahh! Frick!" You fell on your butt, bringing the symbiote down with you. "Shit!" You gasped, starring at it. "Stop yelling and screaming so much! You're going to attract unwanted attention!" It shook its head and grinned. "But my, was I surprised to have a child invite me inside their body. This will be our first and last time." "W-what are you?" You stuttered, shaking to the bone. "We are Venom, I am a symbiote. You, child, will help me find my last host." Venom grinned. "No way! The deal was that you help me kill Carlton!" You growled at him. "Yes, I know where our deal still stands." Venom growled. "What?" You were in shock at what you just heard. "Wait, you mean you're actually going to keep the deal with me?" You asked. "Yes, I have learned how to honor a deal..." You shook your head and groaned. "You make no sense. You should have killed me by now, but you didn't. Not only that, but you're going to help me?" Venom sighed, making a low growling sound, indicating he was losing his patients. "I suppose I need to clear some things up before we start working together. Eddie Brock was my last host before...we were..." Venom paused and inhaled, deeply. "I'm sorry...I can only imagine what they did to Eddie...but...in any case, Carlton trapped me inside a capsule and threw me into the ocean. Due to the waters pressure, the glass slowly cracked, and I escaped. However, me not being able to live without a host, I had to latch onto anything at my disposal. I managed to make my way back up here and what a surprise to meet someone like you." You nodded and crossed your arms. "So, you're a symbiote from the past?" You asked. "Yes, one could say that." You nodded and thought for a minute. "You won't hurt me, right?" You questioned. "No, Eddie showed me the errors of my ways back then...now I must look for him." "Eddie Brock, huh? He was a news reporter, right?" "Yes, have you seen him?" Venom asked, eagerly. "N-no...I haven't seen him since he was fired, but I haven't seen anyone I know, not anymore." You admitted. "People have been falling to the symbiotes, correct?" Venom asked. "Yes." "I understand. Come on, we need to get out of here before we are caught." Venom slowly dissolved into you, and you rubbed your cheek, feeling your smooth skin. You were shocked, did Venom really heal you this quickly? <Gugh! This body is not like Eddie's!> He complained. "Well, yeah, not everyone will be like Eddie." You said, kind of confused by Venom's logic. "Wait...are you...talking to me through my head?" You asked him. <Yes, I can. Symbiotes can communicate with their hosts because I have access to your mind. I know everything about you, (Y/n).> "What!? That wasn't a part of the deal." You exclaimed, uncomfortable. <I know, but once I merge with a host, I automatically have access to everything in their mind.> "Umph! This will be something to adjust to." You said, not really taking a liking to the idea. "But...you said about me being different from Eddie's body. I am a girl, keep that in mind." You said. <No, I know that! However, it has been a while since I have had a human host...perhaps months.> "You were stuck in the ocean for that long?" You asked, starting to get up. <Yes, to say the least, I have been.> Venom sighed. You looked over at the Life Foundation's building. "Tomorrow, we'll go see if we can find anything." You said. <Agreed. In the meantime, let us look for food.> You snickered and put your hands in your pocket, walking to the store. "Heh! If I can." You said. <If we can.> Venom corrected. After a while of searching in the store, you had no luck in finding anything. It was no surprise you couldn't find anything here, let alone anywhere in the world. You moaned, throwing an empty can of food at the wall. <Is there even a place where we can get some food?> He asked you. "Not that I know of, food is scarce here." You sighed, rubbing your arm. <Hmm...fine, then let's find somewhere to sleep for now. I can't over exert my new host so soon.> Venom made your legs move on their own, pulling you along. "This is not how it's going to work, Venom!" You raised your voice at him. <I suggest you not throw my name around like that, unless you want Carlton to come after us.> Venom said. "What!? Us!?" Venom shot out of your body and grinned, getting closer to your face. "Yes, like it or not, it is us now. We are Venom, we are a team. Get used to the idea, because since I'm inside of you, I will cling to you at all times." "Ugh...I-I guess that makes sense..." You trailed off. Venom tilted his head to the side and chuckled. "Until you get comfortable with the idea of me being inside your body, you are going to be dragged around like this, deal with it." Venom sneered, pulling you along. "B-but I am!" You argued. "No, you are not. You can't lie to me, remember, I'm inside your head?" Venom grinned, tapping the side of your head. You stuck your tongue out and pouted. How would you get used to the idea of a symbiote being inside of you? It wasn't going to take a couple of minutes, this was going to take a long time to adjust to. "Besides, your body is putting up a fight with me, I need to get you somewhere safe for now."

Venom x Reader (Alternate ending) (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now