⌞ xiii. | ❝where are my gummy worms?❞ ⌝

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⌞ xiii

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xiii. | where are my gummy worms?

    IT WAS A GREY DAY IN NEW YORK that Cassidy Steele spent inside a small coffee house, sitting on the orange sofa, surrounded by her friends, and inhaling the sweet scent of her chai tea as it was still too hot to drink. So while she was sitting on one end of the sofa, Phoebe was sitting on the other, Chandler reading his newspaper between them. Monica had entered Central Perk about two minutes ago, but had immediately started a discussion with her brother, who was also present and didn't want to believe his sister that their parents were flying to Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving.

When Ross finally got up from his chair, obviously upset, he ended the discussion with the announcement that he would call their parents because he didn't believe Monica's words and then stormed off. Amused, Cassidy looked up from her chai and grinned, "Aww, he's such a mama's boy."

Chandler grinned in response to her statement, but before anyone could have added anything, Joey entered the café, waving to Rachel on the way to the chair where he then settled, as she was standing behind the counter serving someone. "Hey, hey," he greeted the rest of the gang and pulled off his grey coat to hang it over the back of the chair.

Monica and Chandler returned his words and Cassidy also wanted to greet him as she took a closer look at Joey's face and a grin spread on her full lips. He was wearing makeup. His skin looked duller from a powder that was far too light for his tanned skin tone, on his cheeks, however, the one who had done Joey's makeup, didn't save on the rouge whose pink powder has been applied far too thick.

To make sure she was really right about her suspicion, Cassidy finally bent over to him, since he was sitting on the chair to her right, and cupped the left side of his face with her hand to stroke her thumb across his cheek – unaware of how Joey's skin began to tingle under her warm touch – only to see a layer of the light powder get stuck on her fingertip.

"Ain't we looking gorgeous today?" she joked, leaning back and sipping her chai, which was now drinkable without burning her tongue.

Chandler also leaned forward on his seat on the sofa to get a better look at Joey. "And this from the cry-for-help department. Are you wearing makeup?"

"Yes, I am," Joey replied, grinning proudly – of course he had expected comments from his friends regarding his appearance. "As of today, I am officially Joey Tribbiani, actor slash model."

Now Rachel joined them, putting a cup of fresh coffee for Joey on the table next to him and sat down on the armrest next to Cassidy. When the waitress also noticed the badly applied makeup her friend was wearing, she leaned forward a bit and then gave Cassidy a napkin so she could remove the powder from her thumb.

"That's so funny, 'cause I was thinking you look more like Joey Tribbiani, man slash woman," Chandler replied to his best friend's previous statement, grinning sarcastically.

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