Chapter 7

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(Note: this chapter is being cut into two parts and another oneshot will come out in a couple weeks time maybe an mk11 one. also because I forgot to write this in the description all Nword bombs and racial slurs are part of the game too and are only used for the story remember this is before 1960 and all the civil right movements don't be triggered)

Six's pov

I woke up in my camp near Rhodes as I sat up I started to get ready to go back to camp as I called H/n to me and saddled up I started riding towards the camp 

(Timeskip brought to you by Six and Jack fishing)

Arthur's pov

I was walking around camp after me John and Javier stole them horses for the Gray's when I saw Lenny sitting on a fallen tree "Hey Arthur come here a second." Lenny said as I walked over and sat down on the rock "Hey kid what you up to?" I asked "just reading Arthur how bout yourself?" He answered and asked "Just hunting for hillbilly gold that Dutch and Hosea seem to think is out there just waiting to be stolen." I answered "well Arthur I think I got something could be good." He said as I pulled a stick of jerky and started to eat it "really now?" I asked intrigued "Yeah, I was in Rhodes talking to some of the colored folk, they said there's a gang of fools holed up in the swamps east of here, who think there war never ended." He said "the civil war?" I asked "Yeah, apparently it's still raging in these fools minds thirty years later." He continued "heh heh heh okay" i chuckled "that ain't my point, these ignorant fools are weapon dealers, and in there dealings, sometimes sit on a decent pile of cash, Yeah been selling weapons to Cuba and South America for years, anyway the old boy I was talking to, reckon there might be a bunch of cash just sitting around, and failing that, maybe a nice stash of weapons." He finished "with just a bunch of crazies guarding it?" I asked "Exactly." He answered "Alright lets go then" I answered "I was hoping you'd say that we need at least one more person" Lenny said as I saw Six riding back into camp "alright then" I said walking towards Six 

Six's Pov

I had just got back into camp when I saw Arthur coming straight towards me so I stopped "hey Mr. Morgan how you doing?" I asked "I'm doing alright Six how bout you ride with me and Lenny?" He asked Fine with me let's get going" I said as I went towards h/n and hopped on "where we going Lenny?" I heard Arthur ask "We are heading to a place called shady bells." Lenny informed us "alright then lets ride out." I said as I materialized Medicine stick on my back as we were riding they started a conversation and I just listened in.

Arthur's pov 

"You know I might have ran into these fools before." I said "You been drinking again?" Lenny asked "no" thats a lie and you know it what about the time you got drunk and picked a fight with mr my name is Doug Dimmadome owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome." Six said "who?" I asked "Micah remember." Six said.

(I know Six doesn't know what fairyodd Parents are but this joke had to made)

 "yes I remember, but that's not how I met them I met them when me and Sadie went out to Rhodes for supplies they harrased us for a bit but we dealt with it." I said "Mrs. Adler?" Lenny asked Yeah, and Mrs. Alder did just fine, more than fine, actually" I said "Yeah a woman without a gun and a bad side ain't a woman at all" Six said as he gained a nosebleed "hey Six you got a nosebleed." I said "ah shit really?" Six asked "Anyway we won't find no shortage of angry peckerwood idiots in the state of Lemoyne, that's for sure." Lenny said "is it really that different in this state? We haven't come far." I asked "it seems like it is." Lenny said "these boys got a manner about'em but I haven't necessarily noticed" I said "Arthur the Civil War just ended people are still not happy about the results so of course some people are going to do stuff but not crazy because of law reasons thats one of the reasons why the Lemoyne raiders are a gang." Six informed "Yeah and with all respect, Mr Morgan you wouldn't they might call my you two nigger lovers, they see us riding like this, but most of it is a glance or a word, nd after that a visit in the night." Lenny said "out west is..." I said as I was cut off "out west is out west, and you're all who you are, decent folks, but some places down here, they judge differntly." Lenny informed me "Then I guess it can't be so easy for you, Lenny." I said "You know he and he's type ain't the only one that gets discrimined against." Six said "what do you mean Six?" I asked "well Arthur after the Mexican American war Mexican-Americans were kicked off of their own land and sent to Mexico a country they never been before and the Native Americans are getting the same treatment soon they'll be either extinct or all living in Canada from all the moving and after that I promise you that going to be it somebodies always going to be hated by a certain amount of people but maybe someday that will change that's my hope." Six said "Jesus we are all going to hell." I said as we moved along a little faster

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