Chapter 6

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Six's pov

I woke up to the sound of Arthur yelling at someone when I finally got up I saw Arthur yelling at Micah Arthur was clearly drunk and messing around with him I just let it be as I went over to the horses and got myself saddled up to get going I started to ride to the Braithwaite manor.

(Fast travel brought to you by Six and Sadie throwing knives at bottles with strings attached to the bottles)

Six's Pov

I got to the front door of the Manor the door was opened and a buttler softly ordered me "come on in sir" "thank you" I said as he showed me to the room where Sean, Hosea, and Mrs. Braithwaite was in playing a card game it would seem. "So your friend the other liquor vendor" I heard her say "Hello" I greeted her " Mr. Six welcome we were just playing cribbag. David Six, Mrs. Catherine Braithwaite. " Hosea introduced us giving me a fake name "nice to make your acquaintance again." I said "Apparently, so this one he as small, dumb, and agile as he looks" she said "well he certainly small and agile dumb not so much." Hosea said "So these the boys going to Caliga Hall." She asked "Yes, we could take care of that for you, but one hates to be coarse there is the question of money." Hosea replied She chuckled a bit "oh we got money, Mr. Mathews." She informed "paper, bonds, metal?" Hosea asked "she ain't gonna pay you with a certified check you Yankee numbskull." Her son said "Ain't childbirth just the most beautiful miracle?" As Hosea waved us away "come on Six" Sean said "Seems a woman can birth monkeys afterall." Hosea said As we walked out of the Manor I looked at Sean "So looks like we're working together what are we doing at the Gray's place?" I asked "She said we going torch the tobacco fields." He responded "said that they haven't gotten rain in months we're going to burn it with the stuff in the back burns faster than Kerosene the stuff said it would be fitting she said but I though how bout I fit this boot up your hook nose ya old bitch" he continued "Ok I'll hide in the back it looks less threatening if there is only one of us" I responded as he nodded we got to the wagon he got on I got in the back hiding in between the moonshine and the the driver seat "so why are we on this fools errand?" I asked One of these families has gold Hosea reckons so we're going to be playing both sides." Sean said "because what could go wrong with that" I said with sarcasm dripping from my voice "right I know what you mean, I am up for sticking it up to rick folks I hate rich folks, but I'm wondering if Hosea really knows what he's doing the master flinagler of nothing!" He continued "so he has a reputation nice." I said as I tipped my hat on my face "wake me up when we are almost there" I said as I fell aleep.

(Timeskip brought to you by Cass and Sadie drinking together at the Mojave Outpost)

"Hey Six wake up we almost there" I heard Sean say as I took my hat and dematerialized it and got my ncr ranger helmet and put it on "alright let's go and do this the signal is a hand sign" I said as I showed him the sign and waited for the signal. "Whatchu want, boy?" The guard asked "I've-I've, there was a thing. A thing at the saloon" Sean said to the man "Whatchu talking about?" The guard asked "Well, I'm delivering the supplies." Sean answered the guard "You're not the usual driver." The guard said as his suspicions grew "Eh, you want a bottle friend? Here." He said as he grabed the bottle I handed him "have a wee drop." Sean said as he gave the bottle to the guard "I'm new, I mean you no harm." He chuckled "I've come from Donegal in Ireland." Sean said "You don't say?" The guard said "Yeah!" Sean said as the guard chuckled "they said you'd understand some kind of incident at the saloon, in town. I was told to bring this up here. Ask no questions, and I'll tell you no lies. That sort of business. " he said as the guard climbed on the wagon "Eh, before the officials got there, they said... " as Sean got cut off "Okay, okay. Right this way I'll show you how to get there." The guard said "oh, thank you, friend. Have a drink Sean" Sean introduced himself to the guard. "Hamish" the guard introduced himself as we started moving

Sean's POV

We were moving down the little road and I could feel me self geeting a little nervous but I calmed myself "Good to meet you Hamish!" I said to the guard as we laughed together a bit "Fine bit of country you've got here. Ah, not as fine as Connemara, but fine nonetheless." I said "My people come from Scotland." Hamish said "Ah is that right? Then, you and I are nearly brothers." I joked chuckling me-self as  Hamish informed me where to go "Just over here, Straight down the path here. It's getting so I can barely keep track of all these deliveries coming in." Hamish said "Yeah, when they said they were looking for more drivers in town, I jumped at the chance. I've never been a feller to kick a bit of honest work out of bed... So you folks have been having a hard time of it, have you?" I asked "Yes Mr. Gray's got a heap of problems right now with another family round here a bunch of covetous lowdows trying to sabotage his livelihood. Disgusting." Hamish said "dear oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that, Hamish. Sounds like you definitely deserve that drink." I said as he laughed a bit "You don't know the half of it." He said as we got to the barn "Just in there." he said as we entered the barn "right you are." I said as we got off the horses "you can unload it here" he said "in here?" I asked "the horses like a swift one do they?" I joked as we got to the doors of the barn as I gave Six the signal.

Six's Pov

I heard Sean and Hamish talk about what's going on and it annoyed me then I saw Sean give the signal and hoped out and moved toward them pulling out Bloodnap and threw it at the head of the Guard named Hamish and closed the doors "we could hold up till it gets dark" Sean said as I tipped my head and drifted off to sleep 

(Time skip brought to you by Arthur asking Six about the money he's made )

Six's Pov

Sean woke me up said that we were ready I got up and grabed a big bottle of Moonshine "so how are we going about this?" He asked "how bout we both cover the tobacco fields and the barn in the back make a few connecting trails and burn it all down with one molotov" I said "genius!" he said as we grabed a couple molotovs and exited the barn. And moved we saw another wagon arrive they said something about payroll in it I looked at Sean and said "We got a get away and some cash it seems" "that's how it seems brother" he said let's go I said as we moved to torch the fields we poured moonshine all over the fields and when we got to the dry barn we poured some shine all over and tossed molotovs in it I moved and tossed a molotov in the fields, the fields went up in flames and started to get more and more of the fields to start burning up as guards were shooting at us we moved through it all shooting a couple guards along the way till we got to the wagon Sean around the back opening the lock box with the cash in it I cut the horses free from the wagon and got on one of them Sean found the pay and hopped on the back of the other horse and we rode away as fast as possible we got shot at but I pulled up vats and shot one of them right in the head and threw a molotov at the other causing him to  scream as his skin got burned and messed up we got away from the Gray's place fast and into a forest type area "I say a job well down how bout you Six?" Sean said "yeah I'm going to make a small camp and take a rest for the night and be back at camp by the morning" I said as I started making a tent  "Okay then Six here's your cut" Sean said as he tossed me a stack of cash and went off I started a fire to keep me warm as I got in my tent and closed my eyes I started thinking of Sadie and another date we could go on as I drifted off to sleep.

(A/N sorry it took so long I just had shit to do this  story will get updated every so often expect another chapter this week)

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