Chapter 28

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Clarke's POV

Today was the day I had to go back to school, according to my mom and I's terms, today was the day. I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock and I groaned as I kept smacking the table intending to hit the alarm clock. I opened my eyes and saw it on the chair. Oh right, I put it there so I had to force myself to get up to actually turn it off.

I forced my legs to work to where the alarm clock was sitting and I finally turned it off, hearing the deafening silence surround me. "Clarke!" Yelled my mom from downstairs. "Yeah yeah I'm coming!" I yelled back. I grabbed the clothes I laid out on the bed the night before and walked into the bathroom. I switched on the light and turned the water on.

I guess it wasn't time for it to be hot yet, because the water was freezing, but I had to get in or else I would be late. I whined out and stepped into the ice-cold water. I rinsed off my body with soap and water as fast as I could and got out, immediately wrapping the towel around my cold body.

"Clarke Griffin," my mom yelled again. This time I didn't reply back and I just blowdried my hair while brushing my teeth. After all that was done, I dabbed on some foundation and grabbed my bag. I slid down the banister into the kitchen and kissed my mom on the cheek. "Good morning, gotta run!" I grabbed two slices of bacon and jogged to school. I was hoping to find Lexa there, but I wouldn't be too surprised if I don't see her.

I finally saw the school building come into view and many kids rushing in, but there were 10 minutes until the bell and I decided to wait to see if Lexa would show up. After another few minutes I had to go to class, so I made my way there, I had English.

Of course I was sad Lexa wasn't coming, but I understood, she has to catch up for an upcoming exam. I sat down in my usual seat, waving at Octavia. Raven didn't have this class with us.

I couldn't focus on class though, all I could think about is Lexa and her memory loss, I needed her to remember fast, yes she said she loved me but it doesn't bring back all our memories. "Right, Clarke?" This snapped me out of my thoughts and I quirked up my head to face the teacher's. "Uh, y-yeah," I said, secretly crossing my fingers. "Mmm, pay more attention Miss Griffin," with that he walked back over to his desk and took a seat. We had five minutes left so he gave us free.

I walked over to Octavia, and asked her how she's holding up. "I'm okay, I guess," I could see the hurt in her eyes, I'm sure it's because of Bellamy. She wanted to bring it up but thought she couldn't because I was there and it would offend me or bring back bad memories, and she's right, it would, but I want her to be able to talk to me, and I need her to know this.

"Octavia, I'm here for you, I know what's bothering you, well I think I do, and I won't take offense from it, please know you can tell me anything." She nodded and took a deep breath. "Clarke, I miss him, I miss my big brother so much, I'm all alone now and my parents hate him, I'm tied between him and you, my best friend, and it's so tough on me. I have no one at my house now, no one to annoy and no one to tease me, no one to walk to school with or stay up with, I'm alone," I pulled her in for a hug, but I could tell she was holding back tears because she didn't want to cause a scene.

I rubbed her back, "I know, sweetie, I'm sorry," was all I could muster up. The bell rung. I felt bad to leave Octavia in this state but we didn't have biology together. "I'm sorry, Octavia, I-i gotta go," I stuttered. She nodded and I told her in lunch we could continue. As I walked out of class I bumped into Raven. "Oh hey! Gotta run, talk to you later!" I stormed off to math, hoping I wasn't going to be late, because I still had to stop by the lockers to grab my math books.


Lexa's POV

I woke up to my alarm clock, which I set for 10am, 11am, and 12pm. To my luck, I woke up to the 12pm one. I groaned and stretched out my arms in my large bed. I missed Clarke already, I'd share a small bed with her any day. I grabbed a new set of fresh clothes and made my way to the shower. I turned on the tap and before I stepped in, the instagram person texted me again. "Still on for Friday, love?" Love? No thanks. I debated whether or not I should answer, but before I could react, they sent another message. "I know you're on your phone, Lexa, now answer me."

I was still hesitant to whether I should or not, and how she knew my name, but finally, I rested my finger on the notification and the message appeared in front of me. "ok," was all I could type. She sent a thumbs-up emoji and I clicked my phone off. I stepped into the hot shower, and let it drown my thoughts out.

After another 10 minutes of soaking, I stepped out, reaching for the towel, then wrapped it around me. I also placed another one, wrapping my hair in it. I bent down on the sink and brushed my teeth. I looked at the foggy mirror and ran my hand over it, making it clear enough for me to see my face. "Another day to try and remember, Lexa," I told myself.

I got out of the steamed bathroom and let my towel drop, replacing it with warm clothes instead. I walked down the steps towards the kitchen, getting ready to prepare lunch for myself. Half an hour passed by and my stomach growled, signaling for lunch. I had made a steak for myself, along with some roasted tomatoes. I laid them on my plate and scrolled through instagram while eating my hot food.

I finished my food, and I realized I have nothing to do today, so I decided to text Clarke. It was 1pm, it should be lunch for her. "Hey Clarke," I texted her, her name under 'My love❤️' and I smiled. I got a reply almost immediately. "Hey :)."

"Wanna stop by my house later today, maybe after school or for dinner?" I tapped my nails on the counter, waiting for a reply. I sent another message before she could reply back, "can I take you to this special cabin my parents own? I'll drop you off at school tomorrow, I'll come with you, too."

Oh shit! The test on friday! I told myself I would study after I got a verification from Clarke. "Okay, I asked my mom, she said sure to the cabin and overnight thing, but we can't be late, okay?" She's always so scared, it's adorable. "Okay, love you, bye! Have a good day at school," I texted. "See you soon 😘."

I shut my phone off and walked up the stairs to study in my room for the test. I groaned as I realized it was not only any kind of test, it was a math test. Ugh.

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