Chapter 23

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Clarke's POV

I woke up next to Lexa, it was 3:03am, and my mom was also on the other side of the room, but my dad went home, he had to attend work the next day. My mom and I talked and agreed to let me skip 2-3 days, even if Lexa doesn't wake up after that. I had a lot of hope in Lexa and thought 2-3 is all I need, maybe even more than enough.

I tried to fall asleep again but I couldn't, so I decided to go grab a pepsi while I was up, and I noticed my mom shifting in her seat uncomfortably. Thank god she stayed, I hate being alone in this hospital, even though Lexa comforted me, it still felt nice to have my mom around, and I'm glad she cares so much for Lexa, too. I kissed Lexa's hand before I walked out, into the dimly lit halls. Some nurses were still walking around so I didn't completely feel alone or scared. I put a one dollar bill into the vending machine and it dropped the small pepsi can. I reached for the cool can, and started to sip from it as I walked back to the room.

It has been two nights since I have spoken to Lexa, and it was starting to hurt a lot. I know it isn't her fault, and I wish I never pushed her, but I couldn't go back, so all I could do was wait for her and apologize after she woke up.

On my way back to the room, I decided to pay the doctor a visit to see how Lexa's results were. I stopped by his office and knocked, eagerly waiting for him. He opened the door and smiled. "What brings you here? Lexa's condition?" I smiled at how he knew. I nodded in response and he let me inside. "How is she? Don't spare any details, please," he chuckled at my eagerness to hear it.

"Her results are improving, but she won't be out of that coma for another day at least," my heart sank at his words. Another day without her? Maybe even two? Three? Four? I needed her so badly. He saw my smug look and came and sat next to me. "Clarke, she is a strong person, you know how I know that?" He eyed me.

"Because you hear me say it to everyone and hear me whisper it to myself a million times a day?" I said glumly at him. He laughed at my response and shook his head. "No, because she is recovering faster than many patients ever have. It is like she wants to come back to her senses as quick as possible, and she is sure showing that. Like she is tied to something in her life," he explained. Was that something me? Even when she was in a coma, she loved me to that extent? I was smiling the whole way back to the room after I thanked the doctor.

I sat in my usual spot and gripped her hand, kissing it gently. I'm waiting for you, Lexa, and I won't ever stop. I finally felt the drowsiness kicking in and I placed my head on her bed and fell asleep.

"Clarke? Clarke, honey wake up," my mom shook me awake. "Is she awake?!" Was my first thought. "N-no, but I wanted to know if you wanted to come for lunch?" I laid back on my seat, feeling a wave of disappointment wash over me. "No, I'm good, just, like, bring me a sandwich or something," I looked at Lexa. I'm not leaving her.

My mom nodded and I waved at my dad who was waiting for her at the door. He waved back and gave a small smile and led my mom out. They shut the door and left me with my thoughts and a limp Lexa.

I was scrolling through instagram when I realized it was the first day back today, Octavia and Raven, along with Lincoln, would be coming to see Lexa today, I hope she's awake by then. I had texted them that I will be missing a few days to be with Lexa and they completely understood. Raven said she would ask around to get all the things I miss during the days of my absence.

I thought back to what the doctor said, and I smiled from ear to ear. Lexa was fighting for me. Fighting her way through, to see me, and I couldn't be more excited. I don't know how I'm going to react when I see her blinking or talking to me or to feel her lips on mine again, but all I know is that I could not wait any longer.

She was the love of my life and not talking to her for a while is making me lose some of my sanity. I felt thirsty and quickly went over to the nurse to grab a water bottle. I needed some fresh air, leaving her for a few minutes wouldn't hurt.

I walked outside and felt the cool breeze on my face, and I let out a deep breath, feeling okay right now, at least I wasn't in school. I sat on the grass and laid there for a while, looking up into the clouds, assuming funny shapes.

I watched them move slowly and felt that it was time to go back to Lexa's room. I walked in and saw the doctor asking around for me. Oh no.

I rushed over to him and he raised his hands in the air. "What is it?!" I couldn't take it anymore. "She is waking up, Clarke," he smiled. I yelled and ran to her room, eager to see her.

I rushed into the room, being followed by the doctor. "Doctor, can I be alone with her until she wakes up? I'll ring you after I talk to her for a couple of minutes," I said calmly. "Okay, but don't take too long, I have to see how she recovered so quickly, I thought she would take another day, but she took a few more hours."

As he headed out of the room, he looked back. "She's a keeper, she's a real tough one," with that he left and I shut the door behind him. He wasn't wrong, and she definitely is a keeper, she isn't going anywhere.

I sat next to her and held her hand, waiting for her color to come back and for some type of movement, I just wanted to hear my name roll off her tongue again. I placed a cup of water next to her bed, and waited for her, eagerly.

After waiting for a couple more minutes, her hand moved slightly, and my neck shot in her direction. "Lexa?" I looked at her. She blinked her eyes slowly open, and turned to me. My body felt warm all over.

"Hey baby, it's me, you're okay," I told her, kissing her hand. She pulled it away. What?

"H-hi... I have a question," I nodded at her. "Anything, I missed you," I added in, smiling at my beautiful girlfriend.

"Okay, umm.. who the hell are you?" She asked.

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