Chapter 17

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Lexa's POV

Tomorrow is New Years Eve, and I only just woke up with that thought. I stretched my arms and gave a small yawn then untangled my legs from the sheets and started to walk over to the door. I had just taken a bath last night, so it was okay. I stepped out of my room and shuffled to Clarke's room.

I rested my hand on the doorknob but removed it slowly, not turning it. I turned to face the steps, but couldn't move my legs. I'm going to see if she's ok. I rushed into the room and she was still sound asleep. I smiled at her and climbed into bed with her and rested my arm on her stomach. I flinched as my hand touched her stomach, it had been a while I laid this way, next to her.

She rolled over and blinked her eyes open, confused as to why I was there. I removed my arm and blushed. "What are you doing here?" She mumbled. That hurt. I shook my head and removed myself from the bed and shut the door behind me, leaving a confused Clarke behind me.

I headed down the stairs and grabbed a banana, and plugged in my earphones and just got lost in my music. Seriously, billie eilish is the best for a depressed mood. I felt a hand tap on my shoulder and I jumped lightly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," I heard a faint voice say, and realized my volume was too loud.

I turned around as I stuffed my earplugs into my hoodie pocket. It was Clarke. She leaned down to give me a kiss but I moved my head to the left and she kissed my cheek. She gave me a puzzled look and tried again for my lips, but I turned to the right this time. She grabbed my face and pressed her lips on mine. She then ruffled my hair and sat across me, with a devilish grin.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her childish act. I loved it, way too much. I reached for her hand and she met me halfway and placed it in mine. We sat there for a while, playing on our phones, well she was, I was scrolling through instagram. She suddenly got up and headed back inside, without warning. Reluctantly, I followed her without asking, I don't know why.


Clarke's POV

I turn to see Lexa following behind me. I have been avoiding her too much, but I told myself on Octavia's surprise party, I'll be ready. We planned to get drunk as hell, and I'm sure Octavia would be down for that. What we were going to do was rush to her house and surprise her with two six-packs of beer, and two large wine bottles. And her mom would be doing the rest.

I suddenly turned around and Lexa bumped into me, our lips not far apart. It took all my will power but I resisted kissing her. I looked up into her emerald eyes and saw her plead. I have made it so hard on her, I was lucky she was still even with me. It had been almost two weeks, or more, maybe even less, I didn't want to count the days of that traumatizing event. I shivered to the thought.

"Is everything okay?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

"Yeah, but, want to rush out to Walmart and grab some things for tomorrow's party?" I smiled.

She merely nodded and grabbed her car keys as I led her out of the door, yelling to my mom we were heading out. I heard my mom call back and with that Lexa shut the door. She unlocked the car door as we walked across the gravel path towards her range rover.

She opened the car door for me and I blushed, she was such a romantic. I got into the car and she shut it after me as she checked if all my limbs were in the car. She then trudged across and got into her own seat. She placed one hand on mine, like always, and drove to Walmart. We played loud music and sang along like doofs. The car came to a stop not long after. I saw the big bright Walmart up ahead of us.

I looked at Lexa who was getting out of the car, and I did the same. She held my hand as the automatic doors slid open for us and we stepped inside, after grabbing a cart nearby. We strolled across the huge area, looking for any chips and drinks. We saw some mac n cheese and Lexa's smile stretched from ear to ear. I knew she would not leave this place without some.

I waved my hand as a sign of permission and she yelped and ran and grabbed like, 10 boxes and threw them into the car, giving me a sheepish grin. I shook my head with a smile, this was my girl. Not long after, we were at the checkout with a half full cart of chips and wine, along with some beer, and of course, mac n cheese.

As the cashier scanned our items, Lexa quickly pulled out her card and handed it over, receiving a glare from me, and me getting a grin in return. She paid for the whole cart! I was soon to get a job anyways, so I would not allow it next time, let her try me. As two guys carried the bags for us to the car, Lexa whispered to me, "sorry, love you," she gave me a quick peck on the cheek and sprinted forward to assist them.

I got into the car and saw Lexa tip them, she was too cute. As she opened the door I gave her a smile. "Shut up," she said, grinning. "Atleast I have the decency to tip them," she added.

"Oh, shut up," I punched her while laughing. She placed her hand, waiting for mine. I am going to tease her. "Nope, you hurt my feelings," I gave a fake pout, holding in a laugh. "Pretty please?" She gave me puppy eyes. Ugh! I placed my hand in hers, not being to resist any longer. "You're lucky I love you," I looked at her. "so lucky," she smiled.

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