[Season 2] Ch. 1: Tourist.

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[Warning: This story contains graphic language and graphic action. Strong caution is advised.]


"Well, you see— Funny you mention that." He said mysteriously. You gawk at him, wondering what he was about to tell you
"What?" You ask gently. You watch closely as he pulled his beanie off, revealing his platinum blond hair to its fullest extent. After that, he took the black mask off, tossing it away as well. You gasp as he reveals his identity to you.

"This place is Silverhawk

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"This place is Silverhawk. My name is V." He smirked. "Sorry I had to lie to you."

You were completely dumbfounded. You had no clue that he would end up being the very person you so desperately searched for. He never really gave you the impression that it was him. Or that he could've been stringing you along. The thought never crossed your mind. Not even once.
"W-what the. . . YOU'RE him?!" Your eyes widened as he lifted his hand to give you a peace sign in a silly fashion.
"Mhm. The one any only." He nodded softly.


»»----- ♔ -----««

You felt so used and betrayed. Why did he feel the need to lie to you this whole time? How come he couldn't have relayed this to you sooner? Why was he being so secretive? You were wondering how many other things he was keeping from you that he wasn't telling you. It honestly hurt your pride. You felt as though you couldn't trust anybody or believe anything people said. But was that selfish of you?


You scoff, shaking your head disappointingly. You weren't going to lie. You were a bit upset.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" You say loudly, stomping towards him and slapping him on his arm. He was visibly shocked by that. He didn't expect you to give him that sort of reaction. He visibly flinched by the sudden assault.

"W-woah! I—"

"You don't think you could have told me this earlier? When I asked the first time?" You grumbled, folding your arms against your chest. You seethed so hard, steam could erupt from your ears at any point. In turn, he just shook his head, and chuckled.

"You don't get it. That is highly valuable information, that is not something I was going to blurt out into the open while we were running. Yoongi and I both told you that we would explain all of this to you, did we not? I will tell you. You just have to trust me." He tapped his fingers against his folded arms, giving you a firm stare.

You flinch at the near mention of the other man's name, quickly recalling in your mind the graphic images of him being shot right in front of your eyes. Later finding him full of holes, due to your poor choice in getting you both to safety. You couldn't help but feel responsible for how that unfolded.

Your heart pounded hard inside your chest, threatening to burst open.
"D-do you know if he is okay? Do you know if he's alive?" You ask hesitantly, launching your body toward him to grab his arm. He just stared at you blankly, giving a weak smile.
"Unfortunately, Y/N, we have no way of visibly tracking our teammates while we are out on missions. Less technology carried on our persons, less chance it will be hacked into and having us followed. He already shared too much by divulging you his real name." He shrugged. At his obvious blatant disregard of how dire the situation sounded, you couldnt help but feel upset. It was bad enough someone's life hung on the balance, and now this man— V person, is making light of the situation.

"What do you mean? You can't give out your names? So why did he do it?" You ask curiously. He shrugged, turning away to waltz over to his desk.
"Eh, he does what he wants."

You walk over to him. "What now? What does all this mean for me?"

He turned back to face you.
"Firstly, I will explain everything to you. At least, everything that I am allowed to discuss. Secondly, I will escort you to the next rendezvous point when the time is right.
"So, how about it? Do you want to sit here while I lecture you? Or would you like to take a tour around my humble abode?" He smirked. Every time he did, butterflies erupted inside your stomach.

What do you want to do?

What do you want to do?

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**Please take note: (This story was originally a poll story. It is being converted into a full fan fiction, per my viewer's request. It is not a new story, nor a new concept.)

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