Chapter One

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Cannon after cannon after cannon. The noises echoed off the moss covered trees. I'd say Dale and I were lucky to be alive. We made a good team, he and I. I was small, quick and agile. He was strong and great with a knife. We met a while ago, in our district. District 13 that is. We were both poor, and struggling to get by. You could say we were the type of people no one payed attention to, but that was okay with us. It was nice to be able to hide in the shadows. Anyway, our love story was nothing like the ones you read in fairytale. Where they fall for each other at first glance, get in a huge argument, and then kiss in the rain to make up. Ahah, no. It was definitely nothing like that. It was more of a, we fall for each other, get in more than one big argument, and barely have time to officially make up before we are thrown into the Hunger Games. Oh right, the Hunger Games. Now where was I.. Oh yes, the part where Dale and I almost got killed.... "10" I said. "10 people dead." "Perfect!" Dale answered. "What do you mean perfect?! That's 10 family's who just lost a child and all you can say is perfect?!!!??" "God," Dale said "I was just looking on the bright side of things." "The bright side of what?!" I snapped. "The bright side as in we are only 14 people away from wining this damn thing!" I sighed. "I'm sorry Dale. I'm just infuriated that someone could even come up with this horrible idea!!" "It's ok," he answered "though we better get moving before we don't make it out of here alive." It was a joke of course, but I think we both knew that joke, might suddenly not be so funny.

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