Reload: Double Trouble

Start from the beginning

(Sometime after the chase montage ended...)

Linda pulls her hostage into a cold storage, sealing the door behind them. "Okay... I should be safe here..." The hostage's muffled crying was silenced when Linda kicked her. "Ugh, shut up! Quit your crying! Dammit, I need to ditch this deadweight kid..." ~ "Halt!" Linda quickly turns to us as we run into the literal freezer. "Oh, come on! Already?! How'd you even get in here?!" 'Uh...' I glance over to the right, where a massive hole was torn out of the wall by multiple penetration via tentacles. IF points her Qatars towards Linda. "Let the kid go and you can walk away from this unharmed." ~ "You nuts? This kid's my ticket outta here! Or are you gonna fight me when I got a tiny human shield?" I step forwards as Dark Aura tendrils rise behind me. "Yes." I'm immediately pulled back by IF, who had grabbed me by the collar. "No. We're not letting you handle this. Knowing you, you'd probably skewer them both." Red looks to the others. "So what was our plan, again?" ~ "Murder the hostage, save the kidnapper...wait. I mean save the hostage, murder Red." We all stare at each other for a good two minutes, before the hostage cries out. "P-Please help me..." Linda laughs out, as I attempt to aim one of the tendrils through Linda's arm. "You're all idiots! I mean, really? You didn't even have a plan? Give me a break! As for me... I think I packed one... Yeah. Okay, come on out!" A giant robot drops into the room, its upper body spinning a full three sixty before stopping and slamming its giant saw arm down. "That's your opponent for today. Just remember which of us has the upper hand this time! Hahaha!" Linda runs off with the hostage while the rest of us attempt to dodge the massive robot. Nepgear dodges its saw swing, as she aims her gunblade at it. "What the goodness should we do?! This looks bad, doesn't it...?" I step in front of Nepgear as Dark Aura rises around me. "I'll handle this guy, it's been a while since I've been able to let loose. ...And maybe this guy will give me the challenge I need." I dash towards the robot, leaping over its saw swing, driving a few tendrils into its arm and taking the ride up towards its head. The robot starts spinning its upper body, as I slip off and get slammed by the spinning arm, launching into the wall of the cold storage. The robot turns back to the others, just as it gets kicked in the head by yours truly, vanishing and reappearing behind it to drive a tendril into its back and holding on as it spins its upper body. I release my grip on its back and sail into the air, releasing a large amount of tendrils that spear the robot's arms and knocks it to the ground. I let the dark aura escape my body, as the area becomes engulfed in a dark mist, tendrils exploding out from my body as the robot turns to EXP dust.


Linda drags the hostage behind some machinery and looks back towards the rest of us. "This situation is such a joke! I'll be the one you hear laughing as the life fades from your bodies!" ~ "Let Rom go, Now!" ~ "Huh? From above?" The ceiling caves in on top of Linda, as a girl with a white skinsuit and pink hair flies over to the hostage. "Rom! Are you okay?!" The girl in blue tackles the pink haired girl in a hug, the hugged girl returning the gesture. Linda pushes away the rubble and stands up, stepping back as the pink haired girl glares at her. "No freaking way! Another CPU?!" ~ "How dare you make Rom play hostage and make her cry! You'll pay, dummy! C'mon Rom, you activate HDD, too. Let's beat this big jerk all the way to last week!" The girl in blue nods as a pillar of light surrounds her, standing in her place was a girl the same height as the pink haired one, with the same skinsuit, with blue hair. Linda stumbles back into some machinery. "Wh-What in the holy crap?! Not one, but two more CPUs?! This is getting so messed up!" Red cheers from behind Linda. "Oh, score! More wifeys-to-be!" Nepgear looks over to the two floating girls. "So those must be the CPU Candidates of Lowee..." Linda looks over to the rest of us, with her bat pointed towards us. "Wh-When the hell did you get here?! I thought my SawBlade would have torn you to shreds!" Dark Aura tendrils rise up behind me. "We've been here since the ceiling caved in. Now, you had some fun with your wild goose chase, so why don't we have some fun with you?" The Dark Aura coils around my arm as I crack my knuckles, causing the Dark Aura to disperse. IF summons her Qatars and points them towards Linda. "Nothing's holding us back now. Let's show these guys who's boss!" The Dark Aura completely absorbs into my body as I look at Linda with a cold grin. "Now you're speaking my language!" Dark Aura explodes from my body, launching me towards Linda connecting in a Dark Aura lit punch. Linda stumbles back only to walk straight into Red, who punches her into the air into the path of several Dark Aura tendrils, which just barely miss her and crash into the wall before returning to my body. Linda lands back on the ground and runs up to Nepgear, swinging her bat at the Candidate, but is immediately blocked by her Gunblade and kicked away from Nepgear. Dark Aura tendrils shoot out of my waist and form into the shape of spider legs, which carry me towards Linda while piercing the ground with sharp tips. Linda rolls out of the path of two tendrils as the spider legs return to my body and I chase after her on foot. IF cuts Linda off at the corner, just in time for me to teleport to the other side of Linda, IF and I both dealing a powerful SP Skill. Linda slowly stands up and then books it down the corridor. "I'll get you next time...!" Red runs over to the two Candidates floating side by side. "Whoa, they look so awesome in those outfits! Pretty much the ultimate score, finding twin wifeys." The pink haired candidate looks over to the rest of us. "Wait. Who're these people?" The blue haired candidate looks to her twin. "They...tried to help me..." ~ "Oh, really? But they sucked at it, didn't they? Big fat failures, huh?" IF sighs. "Hard to argue with the pure logic of a kid." Nepgear walks up to the two Candidates. "Excuse me, but are you two the CPU Candidates of Lowee?" The pink haired candidate nods. "Yep! I'm Ram, and this is Rom. We're the CPU's awesome twin sisters!" ~ "I'm so happy we ran into each other. Um. I'm a CPU Candidate too. My sister is Neptune, and..." ~ "Neptune...? She was from...uh..." Rom looks to Ram. "Planeptune..." ~ "Oh, I knew that. That means you're a Planeptune CPU." Nepgear nods. "Right. I'm trying to save all our sisters, and so..." ~ "That also means you're my enemy!" Rom nods. "Enemy, enemy..." Shocked Nepgear is me. "Huh? N-No, not at all! Why am I your enemy?" ~ "You're a CPU from really far away, so you must've come here to take away all our Shares!" Rom nods. "Some CPUs do that... I read a book..." Nepgear shakes her head. "No, no. I'd never do that. Please, just listen to--" Ram summons her staff and points it towards Nepgear. "I'm gonna go all out, you dummy!" Ram charges towards Nepgear, swinging her staff at her, to which she jumps back and activates HDD. Ram summons ice projectiles and launches them towards Nepgear, who ducks back as they fly past. Ram stomps her foot on the ground. "Argh...! Stop moving around!" She summons several ice projectiles and launches them towards the rest of us, to which I respond by having the tendrils grab every one of the projectiles and throw them back to Ram. Rom steps up and creates a wall of ice to block the projectiles, as Ram flies over the wall and sends even more projectiles towards us. I let the Dark Aura escape from my body as the battlefield becomes cloaked in a dark mist. "They've got a strong barrier set up, despite it being made of ice. We'll need some strong fire power to melt it." IF catches my glance to her and steps forwards. "If it's fire you need, I can help with that. Demon Flames!" A pillar of fire shoots out of the ground directly in front of the wall of ice, melting a large hole in the middle of the wall. Surprised Ram is surprised. "Hey! How's that fair?!" Despite the massive hole in the wall, I leap over the wall and send countless tendrils raining down on the two Candidates. The others run up to me as I land, the two Candidates on the ground. The two were both bruised and Rom looked to be on the verge of tears. Ram glared to the rest of us, me in particular. "Grrr! You made Rom cry, you jerks! You're a pack of meanies!" I lean down to Ram's level as Dark Aura rises around me. "Listen here. You two attacked first, our only choice was self-defense. If you ever put these people in harm's way again, I will not hesitate to end your life." The Dark Aura returns to my body as I walk back to the group, Ram standing up. "This isn't over yet. We'll beat you up real good next time we meet!" With that she took off out the hole in the ceiling. Rom looks over to us with a sad smile, "Next time..." and took off after Ram. Nepgear looks up to the two small lights in the sky as they vanish. "And there they go..." IF sighs. "Now I see why Kei wished us luck."

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