Restart: Greenlit Duel

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It was a bright day in Hyperdimension's Planeptune. Birds were chirping, flowers were blooming. On a day like this, the CPU Candidates of Planeptune and Lastation were out for a walk. While patrolling the streets, Nepgear let out a sigh, slouching down perturbed. "Awww... Neptune still isn't back... Where could she be?" Uni glances over to Nepgear, groaning as she slaps the purple haired girl on the back. "How long are you going to sulk? Cheer up already, will you?" Nepgear shakes her head. "There's no way I can cheer up when Neptune's isn't home..." ~ "I get that, but you were apart from her for years before, right? You handled that just fine." Nepgear pouts. "That was then, this is now... Awwww, goodness..." Uni sighs, glancing over to the distraught Candidate. "You're really broken up about it. I can't make you cheer up, but at least do your work properly, okay? We're patrolling right now. You said the Citizen Group was acting weird, and I was nice enough to join you." Nepgear exhales. "Right... I'm sorry. You came all this way to help because you were worried about me..." Uni quickly jerked her head to face Nepgear. "H-Huh?! Wh-Who said anything about being worried?! I...I was just...! O-Oh, I know! I just wanted to use this opportunity to take away some of Planeptune's shares!" Nepgear, no longer listening, turned to face a woman who was standing by the center of the plaza. "Huh? That woman is..." Uni pouts, raising her voice. "Hey, are you listening to me?! I'm trying to explain why I'm not worried about you! Huh? That's the representative for that group!" Nepgear looks over quizzically. "What's she doing in a place like this...?" Uni cheerfully takes Nepgear's hand, pulling her towards the woman. "Let's ask her." ~ "Huh? Oh, wait!"

Uni waves to the woman who was tapping the edge of a stack of papers, neatly lining the edges. "Hello. I have a question." The woman raised her head up, her eyes glaring daggers at Uni. "Hmm?" Completely undeterred by her glares, Uni continued cheerfully interacting with the apathetic woman. "First, I want to know what you are doing here, and then I want to know all about the Citizen Group." Nepgear looks to Uni in shock. "Uni, that's too blunt!" The woman looked Uni up and down. "You're a CPU...? No...just a CPU Candidate..." Uni smirks, casually placing her hand on the woman's shoulder. "Hmph. So you know who we are. Then this'll be quick. Be quiet and listen to us for a minute..." The woman shoved Uni's hand away, knocking her over in the process. "Mere CPU Candidates should not touch me so casually!" ~ "Huh? Whooooa!" Nepgear ran over to Uni, who was rubbing her leg that scraped on the pavement. Uni groaned, glaring up at the woman looking down on her. "Ouch! What're you... Huh...?" Nepgear helped Uni up. "Are you okay, Uni?" ~ "Yeah, that was nothing. More importantly...she's gone..." Nepgear looked around, the woman had vanished. "Hmm? You're right..." Uni sighs. "What was that all about? She's a normal human, right?"

(Location Update: Ultradimension: ???)

Mr. Badd slammed his hand on the table. "Argh! How very regrettable! I have shamed my family name... Curse those accursed CPUs!" Rei very unsuccessfully tried to console him. "Um, if you could, please... Try to get over it already..." Arfoire summoned her weapon, slamming it into the wall, forcing Rei to duck as to not get hit. "Ugh! So incredibly irritating. What kind of a man groans and moans in self-pity like this?" The pink robot looks to Arfoire. "What a surprise. You're the type of woman who would spank a man to set him straight, Arfie?" ~ "Stop phrasing everything to make it sound suggestive, fool!" Abnes looks to Mr. Badd. "I'm more surprised that you have the stones to show up today. I mean, thanks to your screw-up, we're stuck between a rock and a hard place!" Rei nods. "True... Lowee's rebounded and has even started to cooperate with the other nations." The pink robot shrugs. "Conversely, thanks to our evil deeds being exposed, the public's opinion of us has bottomed out." Warechu looks to Mr. Badd. "And we have your pathetic display on international TV to answer for, too, chu." ~ "You were the fool running the camera!" Abnes kicks Mr. Badd's leg. "People know my adorable face, so I'm taking even harsher criticism. Thanks a lot, you big fat jerk!" ~ "What do I care?! I don't want to hear that from some impertinent brat who lives only to butter people up!" ~ "Wh-What did you say?!" Rei tries to disarm the literal bomb that is everyone in the room. "Oh dear! Please calm down, everyone! We can't continue the meeting if we keep arguing like this..." Arfoire glares at Rei. "Like I've always said, it's the chairwoman's responsibility to make sure all meetings run smoothly." ~ "Eep! I'm very sorry!" The pink robot sighs. "We're stuck in a stalemate. Both Copy and Baddy's mech suit are getting repaired. We can't fight..." Arfoire sharply exhaled. "Tch. If we ever had a decent plan, I know I could destroy all the CPUs by myself..." Warechu deadpans. "You got beat up first, so your persuasiveness is sitting at zero." ~ "Dumb@$$! YOU lost first!" The pink robot looked to Warechu. "Warechu, dearie, you didn't even last long enough to have your logo appear, let alone speak your name." ~ "Gah! Don't touch that sensitive subject, chu...!" Abnes groans. "Ugh! I'm leaving. I can't take this nonsense!" Rei looks to Abnes. "Um, w-wait Abnes... Where are you going...?" ~ "To see the CPUs! If we just sit here and argue, I'll never be able to save a single little girl!" Abnes runs out, Rei trying to stop her. "B-But the meeting's still...! Please, please wait..." Mr. Badd scoffs. "Hmph. At long last, the annoying brat has left." Warechu looks to Mr. Badd. "You were complaining and crying just a second ago, but now you've got your evil grin back, chu..." Arfoire sighs. "I'm sick of this charade, too. If things are going to continue in this manner, I want out." The pink robot looks to Arfoire. "Lengthen that short fuse, sweetie. That other plan of ours is still proceeding quite smoothly." ~ "I was never on board with that plan to begin with." ~ "Don't be like that. It's bad enough that Rei doesn't like it, but if you start too, Arfie, I..." Warechu shrugs. "As long as I can kick back and relax, anything's cool with me, chu." Mr. Badd smirks. "There's no way we can loop the little girl in on this business plan. If this strategy succeeds, then those wretched CPUs will finally... Heh, heh, heh..." Arfoire turned away. "Tch. I still don't like it." The pink robot started snickering, the other members looking over. His cackling continued until Arfoire snapped. "Just spill it already! That noise is infuriating..." The pink robot opened his palm, a dark aura forming around it. "Our higher ups seem to believe in our efforts. They've promised us power beyond our limits." Mr. Badd, intrigued, looked to the pink robot. "And what would that be? I don't like dealing with shady merchandise." The pink robot holds out his hand, allowing the mist to envelop the room. "Let's just say...our goal will be achieved a lot sooner than we thought. All we have to do in return, is defeat the man with the dagger."

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