Where the Hell Do I Come Up With This Crap?

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I rolled onto my back. "Stop, love," I groaned sleepily. "I'm gonna' have to get up in a minute to go to the doctor's office."

Andy's hands wandered over my body, and so did his lips. "Please, love. I want you so bad."

"Oh, babe," I whimpered as his lips made contact with my breast. "Fuck. Stop it! Stop it!" I begged.

Andy threw his leg over me and his hands started roaming my breasts again. "Please." He bent down and kissed me once. I want you so fucking bad."

"No. No, no, no, no, no," I said as I sat up. "I gotta' go." I pushed Andy's back to the bed and stood up.

"You're such a tease," Andy sighed, a smile present in his voice.

I walked into the closet and found a pair of Andy's skinny jeans and my Jack Skelington hoodie. Yes, I was going to wear Andy's skinny jeans since mine no longer fit. I was four months pregnant, though I barely showed, so there. I searched around and found a red tank top, then I carried my clothes to the bed. Ella came running upstairs.

"Yay. At least I get to watch you get dressed," Andy said, putting an arm under his head.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, then I went to our dresser and found a pair of under clothes. I pulled on all my clothes, then I got back into bed with Andy. Ella joined us shortly after and crawled inbetween us.

He kissed my now bright purple hair and scratched at the crook of my neck, which would be black. The purple was... Well. Have you ever seen the movie "Kick Ass?" Remember Hit Girl? The color of her wig? That's the color of the purple on my head, just a lot less shiny.

"I love you," Andy murmured.

"I love you too," I said, kissing his chest. I looked up at him and smiled a little, then I kissed his chest again and stood up. I walked to the door, then I looked back and said, "Well c'mon. Get dressed. We're figuring out if we're having a little Andy or a little Andrea today." I smirked as I walked out and down the stairs. Ella followed.

I heard Andy tumbling down the stairs a few moments later. He was tugging on an old flannel, which was over a black wife beater and a pair of faded, torn up skinny jeans, as he hopped to maintain balance into the kitchen. When he finally crashed into the counter, I laughed at him. "We really figure out the gender today?" he asked anxiously.

I smiled at him. "Mm-hmm. I think we should."

He smiled at me, then he pulled me into a hug. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him too. "So, do you want a boy or girl?" I asked.

"I don't care," he answered, looking down at me. "All that matters is that it's ours."

I smiled up at him and kissed him once. "Well it's ours."

He smiled and kissed my nose. "I guess having a boy would be pretty cool," he said. "I wouldn't mind a little girl, though."

"Well, those are your only two options." I smirked up at him.

He rolled his eyes and chuckled, then he kissed me once and let me go. "I love you, Riot," Andy repeated.

I smiled and stretched to my toes to kiss him once. "I love you too, Andy."

He smiled down at me, then he went into the fridge to find something for a quick breakfast. He found a thing of GoGurt for himself, then we left to the doctor's office.

The doctor held the tube over my exposed stomach. "This might be a little--"

"Cold!" I finished quickly as it fell onto my stomach. Andy chuckled a little from next to me, then he squeezed my hand.

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