Scary Nightmares and Nice Spouses

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I stepped out of the bathroom, staring at the pregnancy strip. Oh my God!

"Riot, what's going on?" Andy asked from the bed.

I bit my lip as I glanced up at him. "Andy," I started quietly. "If I tell you, do you promise not to get mad?"

He stood up and walked over to me. Pulling me into his arms, he said, "Riot." He kissed me once before continuing. "You know I'd never get mad at you about anything. What's this about?"

"Andy, um..."

I took a quick breath while looking away. I quickly forced my eyes back to his.

"I'm pregnant."

I stared up at Andy, waiting his reaction. His eyes scanned over my entire face, showing no emotion, then he pulled me into a hug.

"That's fucking awesome, Riot!"

I let out a huge sigh and hugged him back. "Oh thank God," I sighed.

He pulled away enough to frown at me. "What?"

I sighed again. "Oh nothing. Just an irrational fear in the back of my mind."

He leaned in and pressed his warm lips to mine. As he pulled away, he said, "Riot, you should never fear telling me anything. I'm so in love with you. Why'd you think I asked you to marry me?"

I shook my head and kissed him once. "I don't fear anything, really. I just... Y'know."

"I don't know," he said as he shook his head and smiled. Suddenly his arms were gliding down my legs and I was picked up bridal style and carried back to bed. As he set me down and kissed me gently, he said, "What I do know is I'm super fucking happy you're carrying my kid."

I smiled up at him. "Oh, Andy. You have such a way with words."

He smirked down at me. "Like you're any better."

I smirked back at him and brought his head back down to mine so our lips crashed into each other's. "I love you, Andy," I said as I pulled away.

He smiled and kissed me once. "I love you too, Riot."

I glanced down at his lips again, wanting more. "Hey, Andy?"

"Yes, love?"

"Could you get me more soup?"

He sighed but nodded. "Of course. I'll be right back." He stood up and started walking down the stairs.

I made sure he was out, then I got up and crouched down by my bag. A few clean pairs of lingerie were left. I grabbed the first matching set I could find out and took off my sports bra and Andy's boxers, then I slid the lingerie on and got back under the covers. I didn't even know what I was wearing, I just was.

Andy came back up a few minutes later with a bowl of soup in hand. I could smell it from here. Chicken noodle. Yum.

I took the bowl from him, but I set it down on the nightstand again as he slid in with me. "Why'd you make me get you soup if you're not gonna' eat it?" he asked.

I answered by turning onto my stomach, then pulling his head down so our lips'd meet. I was so turned on, yet I didn't know why.

Andy pushed me to my back and he kissed from my lips to my neck and to right above the covers. As he pulled them down a bit, he smiled. "I see. The soup was a distraction."

I smiled up at him. Suddenly the phone went off, so Andy groaned and sat up to get it. I sat up with him. As he answered, I slid my arms over his chest and rubbed his chest, trying to give him incentive to get off the phone quicker.

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