Phone Calls and Hair

Start from the beginning

Shit. Did you just press dial?



You told me to call him!

Yeah, but you never listen to me.

Oh, shut up!

"Hola. Robert aquí."


I told you this was a bad idea.

"Oh, fuck off."

"Lo siento? I am sorry? Sarah, this is you, yes?"

"She wasn't supposed to know another Robert!"

"entiendo," he says, "you are uh, lesbian, yes? Sarah has you for her girlfriend?"

"Oh, fuck off!"

She hangs up. "Fucking... Sarah! You know another Robbie?" She exclaims. "And he's foreign?"

"He's Spanish." The other woman replies. "Robert is under Downey."


She doesn't get an answer and scrolls through the list of names, clicks on Downey.

Wait. No. She didn't mean that.

You retard. You actually called him.

No... I just...

Pressed the call button.

... Yes...


"Oh, fuck you."

Is this how you're gonna' answer calls now?

"Hello?" Says a thick voice, "Sarah, what did I do now?" It is Robert. His voice is deeper, though. Rough. Smokey.


Ugh. Piss off.

"Sarah, please stop playing games. You just woke me up."

"But it's half twelve." Liberty frowns. Oh. She didn't mean to talk. Damn it.

"... Hazel, is that you, honey? Where's you're mommy?"

"No! Do I really sound like a child on the phone?"

"... You don't... unless... you are one? I'm sorry. It's early... ish. And my brain isn't functioning. Doesn't until six at night, really. Who is this?"

"It's Liberty."

"Oh!" He says, "hey."


"How are you?"

"I'm... fine. How are you, I heard you were suspended."
"For being a badass? Yeah."

"For being a badass, was it?" She smiles.

"Yup." He is grinning.

"Hm, are you sure about that, Mr Foster?"

"Of course," he says, "what other reason is there? I'm sure you have a thing for badass', am I right?"

"Oh," she grins, "I really do."

He wasn't expecting that answer and swallows. "So what did you call for?"

"I was just calling to thank you for... you know, yesterday and stuff. It was nice of you."

He scoffs, "nah. Anyone would have done it."

"They really wouldn't have."

"Well then," he says, "you are most welcome. It was my pleasure."

Liberty smiles so herself in the mirror and notices the red on her cheeks. "So, I better go."

"Yeah, yeah, of course. School and stuff."

"Yeah, school and... stuff."

"Okay, in fact, I have to go as well. So thank you for the wake up call. I'm going to become even more sexier."

Gosh, please don't.

"My Lord, how are people ever going to handle you?"

"I'll test that theory afterwards." She frowns, and he continues, "So long, Miss Garcia."

"Bye, Robert. Thank you, again."

"I'll always kick ass for you, Libby."

With that, the phone went silent and she was answered with a dead tone.

I hope you heard that. He said that he will always kick ass for you. Maybe he'll do a little more for you're ass if you're a good girl-

I was never this sexual until you came out!

You're welcome.




At precisly five o'clock, the bell rang and so did her phone.

New Message:

From: Unknown Number


Has the theory been proved as accurate? ;)

She smiled at the selfie of him sitting in the hair dressers with a new hair cut.

This man is going to be the death of you.

"Don't I know it."




- It was crap and boring, I know. But these are needed chapters. I can't just go:

"Hi, I'm Libby."

"I'm Robert."

"You're hot."

"You're sexy."

"Let's fuck."

"Fine with me."

They had sex and then had babies because Robert forgot to use a condom. Yay for family.

End of story.

- Really, guys, believe me, that would not be a fun story.

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~ MrsDowney. :)

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