Bad Students

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She glares at the student in front of her, "how many chances have I given you?"

The boy smirks, shrugging. "I don't know, you tell me. Your are the maths teacher here, ma'am."

Cheeky little shit.

Liberty doesn't say it. But she bloody wants to. Instead, she smiles tightly and walks down the hallway to the art department and opens the door.

Mr Walker is sitting on the couch with Mrs Eld and Mr Titan.

"Yes, Miss Garcia." Mr Walker smiles.

"I have this cocky little guy that I'm taking down to the head. I was wondering whether or not you could watch my class for a minute. If it's alright."

"Of course I could." He stands.

"Thanks. I'll be quick."

When she turns around, he isn't standing there any more. The little fucker is sprinting down the hallway, making a break for it.

"Scott!" She hurries after him.

"Hey! Watch where your going, man."

It's Roberts voice. She can tell from a mile away. The smooth, cool and collected way he has when he speaks. Liberty slows down, speed walking.

"Sorry, Mr Foster." Scott mumbles, watching her with terrified eyes.

"Miss Garcia," Robert greets, frowning. "Is this guy running from you?" There's a beginning of a smirk forming on his handsome face.

"Yes," she answers. "I'm taking him to the Head Teacher."

"Ouch," Robert winces. "What'd you do to Miss Garcia to get her this mad, little man?"

Scott sighs. "I didn't even do anything."

"You cursed, disrupted my class, back talked and ran away from me." Liberty hisses.

Foster raises an eyebrow, "really?"

Scott sighs. "Yeah."

Well," Robert claps the teen's shoulder, "lets go then."

The trio begin to walk down the stairs with Scott in front.

"So," Liberty says. "What are you doing in my territory?"

He thinks for a moment. "Ah," he remembers, "I was to come and get you."


"There is somebody at the office for you. And since I haven't got a class until fourth period again, I offered that I could come up and fetch you. Obviously because I'm just a lovely and thoughtful person."

Liberty rolls her eyes and frowns. "Who?"

He shrugs. "All I know is that there's somebody waiting."

"Oh, alright."

As she allows the other teacher to take the lead, she follows behind like a lost puppy. Robert's hand is resting on Scott's shoulder as he walks them down the last flight of stairs.

"Am I going to get into trouble, Mr Foster?" She hears the boy ask and scoffs.

No. Of course not. You can back talk me all you fucking want. Prick.

She listens to Robert explain to the student about why he will be getting into trouble and thanks him when he holds the door open for her.

"Do you want me to take this one?"

Liberty smiles. "Thanks, Robert."

The brunette returns a dazzling smile of his own and...

Her ovaries explode.

No, not really.

That would be embarrassing.

He leans forward and kisses her cheek swiftly.

"My pleasure, Miss Garcia."

After a cheeky wink, he's off and strolling to the other building while she stands in the middle of the play ground, mute.




Ooooh. Don't worry. Things will spice up very nicely soon enough. *smirks*

What do you think?

It's short, yes, I know. But it's all for building up the tension and such. Don't worry. Longer chapters will come.

Who's at the office for her?

Let me know, please.

Vote and comment.


-MrsDowney. :)

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