Behind Teacher's Doors (TeacherXTeacher)

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A|N:- This is NOT a StudentXTeacher romance story. This is a TeacherXTeacher romance story since I don't think I could write about a student and teacher falling in love. I'm not really sure why. It makes me feel uncomfortable to write. *Shrugs* But other people are great at it and have written incredible stories about StudentsXTeachers.

(Plus, I used the school in "Charlie Bartlett" but the story is totally different, obviously.)





Robert Foster: Played by Robert Downey Junior. 30 years of age.

Liberty Garcia: Played by Michelle Monaghan. 28 years of age.

The Music and Mathematics departments are separated in Western Summit High. Different teacher's lounges, different teachers...

Different skills.

However, when Liberty can not make it into school on time on a miserable Monday morning, Robert somehow manages to be the one who has to take the class even though he knows nothing about Maths (after being "asked" by the very, very, very nice head teacher.)

"What happens behind this door, stays behind this door."

Here, I give to you, "Behind Teacher's Doors"

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