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It was getting cold out and Jade knew she should have brought a coat with her but she was already running late. The streets were darkening as her heels clicked loudly against the cold pavement, her arms wrapped around her tiny frame while her eyes remained on the ground. Her mum had called and told her to make sure to pick up some milk before leaving to come back home; her mum being sick and not being able to do it herself. Jade was hoping the virus that had made her mum sick would have lasted only a couple of days but two weeks went by and she was still bedridden leaving Jade in charge of everything. And that kind of stress could put a lot on a 21 year old.

Since her mum was ill, Jade was forced to take extra shifts at work and do any other job that got her quick cash. Not to mention all the doctor visits and visits to the pharmacy; she was exhausted. So exhausted that she hadn't seen any of her friends in awhile that Jesy was blowing up her phone asking where she was while Niall would leave her little notes with money. He knew she hated charity and Niall trying to help made her feel weak, but it was much appreciated. Especially since Jade knew Niall was trying to save up for an apartment. 

"He is sooo fit!" A high-pitched voice squealed causing Jade to stop and look over to her right. Across the street were three girls leaning against a high metal gate smoking cigarettes as they huddled in a circle to keep warm because their revealing clothing wasn't helping. Jade knew the one in the middle from her school days; Clarissa Jean, a class A cunt. She made her days Hell back when she was a teenager and she remembered being terrorized every time Clarissa got bored and needed someone to pick on. Since Jade was a loner and a sweetheart, she was always an easy target. "Gosh, why hadn't I shagged him 'et?"

"Maybe he's gay." The girl on her left chuckled, "Someone that fine with no girlfriend? Rubbish! It has to be somethin' especially since yer a hot piece of ass, Clarissa."

Clarissa nodded in agreement as she watched the guy they were all staring at with heart eyes. He sat onto a tombstone, his long black hair blowing in the wind as his hazel eyes looked over at the horizon before him. It was nearing dawn and the sun was just about to disappear, something he enjoyed watching every night. It may have been the artist in him but the colours of the disappearing sky brought him serenity. It was the only time in the day that he felt like he was witnessing a miracle; like heaven descended in front of him that at that time. 

"Zayn Malik is a gift from God." she commented, before her brown eyes looked across the street and spotted Jade who then was staring at him too. An annoyed look passed her features before Clarissa flicked the butt of the cigarette onto the ground, "Look, girls, a stray." Her friends looked over to see what she was talking about before making matching faces of disgust. "Hey!"

Jade jumped out of her thoughts when she heard one of the girls call her. She thought about her options: ignore them and get home to her sick mum or indulge the people who made her life miserable back in the day. She was going to do the first one until she saw the shortest girl, Jane Kiffin, begin to cross the street causing Jade to panic. Her eyes looked up and down the abandoned road before looking over to the girls who were now making their way towards her. It would be rude and cowardly of her to run away when they had spotted her staring so she sucked it up and turned towards them.


"What are ya doin' out here? Don't ya have a curfew?" Jane sneered as she tossed her cigarette pass Jade; nearly missing her arm. "Doesn't yer mum need ya?" 

Jade's eyes began to water as they brought up her mum. The town knew that her mum was really sick right now and usually people would give Jade their blessings and prayers but leave it to Clarissa and her crew to be complete twats about it. She looked away, towards the graveyard were the guy sat and noticed he was looking back over at her. Usually when they made eye contact, Jade would immediately look away. She had always been shy when it came to Zayn Malik even when he was mutual friends with two of her best mates Niall and Jesy. There was something about his stare that made it hard for her to look at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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