Earth skills

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Through the night it was calm, most people sleeping peacefully, others still awaking finding it hard to sleep, I mean who can blame them.
It was pretty late, when there was rustling in the bushes the first person to notice was this man named Atom, he dint think to tell anyone, and just went off on his own into the jungle to find what made the noise, he was only walking.for 5 minutes when to his surprise he was grabbed from behind by something! before he even had the chance to try and fight it pulled him up into a tee,and slit his neck, throwing him out of the tree leaving his lifeless body on the ground.
The rustling noises happened again and Clarke walk up, so she walk up Bellamy since he was right next to her, they dint know what to do so they stayed awake for a bit to see if anything would happen or if there was anyone out there, but nothing else happened, after a while of just sitting and watching, Bellamy spoke up "we should go have a look". Clarke spoke up " we are better off waiting for light, we don't know what's out there" Bellamy nodded slowly, Clarke could see he was worried about something, she dint know how to approach it. Finally the words came out of her mouth "what's wrong" Bellamy looked at Her with his eyes filling up, "it's my sister she was on the plan with me, and I haven't seen her since we crashed, I'm just worried she's hurt or worse" "I'm sure she's fine bell, what's her name" Clarke said softly. "O....Octavia" Bellamy said on the urge of crying, "Oh my god, has she got black hair, around 5,5" Clarke said shock. "Yes,! do you know where she is? Is she okay," he said relived " yes, she fine, when the plane crashed i was helping this girl Raven, but I had to help this older woman at the same time, that's when I met Octavia, she helped with Raven."
"Do you know where they are" Bellamy asked
"I'm sure she's still with Raven, I don't know where but they here someone" well go to her when it gets light. Bellamy agrees, Clarke fell back to sleep leaning on Bellamy shoulder, but he stays awake, he wanted to keep watch just incase there was something out there.
The sun started to rise, and most of the camp was awake still looking shaken up, and hungry because there was basically no food left.
Murphy was walking around camp grabbing all the supplies he could find and keeping them to himself, Jasper went into the jungle but not far, looking for food.
And Bellamy, well the first thing him and Clarke did was look for his sister, the camp wasn't very big so it dint take them very long until he seen dark black, hair sitting with another girl, that must be Octavia he thought to him self, he started picking up speed and before you knew it he was running towards her, as he got closer he shouted her name, Octavia and raven turned, as soon as Octavia seen him she jumped to her feet, and grabbed on to him giving him the biggest hug, "I thought you were dead" Octavia said to him holding back her tears "you know I will never leave you, my sister my responsibility" they hugged again For a long time, Clarke and Raven were just smiling the whole way through their reunion, it was the happiest the four of them have been since the crash. When Octavia and Bellamy were catching up,Clarke was checking Ravens head, it seemed fine but it was deeper than she though so she, give her a couple of stitches.
Jasper was out there for a while so Monty went to look for him, it dint take long for him to come across Jasper sitting under a mango tree enjoying the fruit, "enjoying your self there" Monty exclaimed Jasper nodded, since his mouth for stuffed with mangos, "sorry to break up the party but everyone back at camp is starving so we should bring back as much as we can carry"
Jasper got up "good idea" so he starting grabbing as many as he could and putting some in his shirt so he could carry more, all together they carried about 30 between them, so they made a couple of trips, to make sue they had enough for the camp.
"We must've been close to 40,000 feet when it happened." (Raven said with a model of a plane she made out of sticks and leaves)
"We dropped. Must've been two-hundred
feet. The turbulence that followed... by far the worst I've ever been through... but turbulence doesn't bring down planes.
Electrical power came in and out.
Sounded like the hydraulics went out. It was pretty clear what was happening.
How long would you say that lasted?"
"...Five minutes?" Bellamy replied
Then Octavia butted in "Yeah, that's what I was thinking..."
"There was too much stress on the structure of the plane.
That's when the tail broke away." Raven finishes before demonstrating with the plane she made
And snaps off the tail she now, slowly, turns the fuselage, rolling it -and you can imagine how terrifying this actually was, as she does this, They all watch the model, tears in their eyes.
And God, this is the worst memory of all time. Still, Octavia fights for her composure as she says: "I saw the whole thing. We were falling... I knew the tail was gone. I couldn't make myself look back. Then the... the front section came apart."
Raven butts in "Did it hit something?"
"It might have.We crashed maybe five seconds later." Octavia replied
"The front end of the fuselage isn't on the beach. Neither's the tail. I woke up about five hundred yards away from the beach... must've fallen out while the fuselage was cartwheeling..." Clarke adds (realizing her own amazing luck)
Bellamy starts to think "We need to figure out which way we came in."
"Why" both Clarke and Octavia says at the same time both confused
Then raven finished what Bellamy started "Because there's a chance we could find
the cockpit. If it's still intact, there could be a transceiver. That would let us send a signal, help a rescue party find us"
(Octavia looks in awe) "How do you know all that?"
" I am the youngest O.G mechanics in 52 years and I took a couple of flying lessons, wasn't for me"
"I saw some smoke couple miles from here" Bellamy said pointing into the jungle.
"We should head out and see if it the cockpit" Octavia say in existent knowing,
But Bellamy had to ruin it for her "your not going it's to dangerous, we don't know what's out there"
"I'm not staying here on my own, I want to help you guys"
"You won't be here alone" Clarke adds " Ravens not going
"Why, you can't tell me what to do, I'm going with you guys, plus do you Evan know why your looking for" Bellamy nods "I do"
"Your staying here because you need to keep steady for a couple day you hit your head pretty bad" Raven storms off in a huff.
"You to can't go on your own, what if something is out there,"
"We not going alone" Clark says looking around and the first person she sees is Jasper, "he's coming with us"
Octavia gives her brother one last hug before she leaves to go calm Raven down. " good luck, big brother" the she walked off,
Clarke come back with jasper, "you ready" they all look at each other then head of into the jungle, they walking for no more than 5 I'm it's when Bellamy suddenly stops, "what...what is it" Clarke asks walking up to him "oh my god...who is that, was he on out plane" Jasper then looks "he was a couple rows in front of me" "we not alone, what ever did this, is human because his neck is slit" Clarke replies.
Bellamy:"You don't think it was one of us do you"
Jasper: "I don't know, but can we keep going. It smells really bad"
Clarke: "yeah, come on that's keep moving."
They get so far into the jungle when Through the overgrown bushes something's watching them. It's the WHITE LAB from the opening... (they were all relived)
And suddenly... THE SKY DARKENS. Day to GRAY in seconds
Jasper, looks up at the sky the wind picks up. Electricity crackles in the air, the three stop.
Jasper: "This -- is this normal...?"
Suddenly it starts pouring Sheets of rain fucking torrential Clarke,Bellamy and Jasper all get soaked instantly so they pick up their pace, hurrying off.
Back at camp everyone it trying to get under some shelter using what ever they can find, Moseley wreckage, And there's Raven, being smart she just finished setting up a TARP using aluminum sticks of wreckage as supports. And as soon as it's up, Murphy enters
Raven:I need to put up the other side, so move!
Murphy:yeah I'm alright in here little bird
Rave shouted "what did you call me" pushing him back
Murphy grabs a Knife out and goes to stab her but he stops himself, he goes to leave but raven steps in his way, give me back my necklace and pushes him back again, "get out of my way" he says annoyed, but raven repeats herself " give me back my necklace"
"I should of killed you when I had the chance" Murphy says
Raven: really well I'm right here"
Murphy then pushes he back up against a tree with his knife to her neck, but to his surprise Rave pulls out her knife, luckily for both of them Octavia turns up and breaks it up, Murphy walks off dropping the necklace in the sand. Raven goes to pick it up when Octavia asks her " what happened" "nothing" she replies
Octavia: " well it was obviously something"
Raven: "he took this from me" (showing octavia the necklace that's in the shape of a raven)
Octavia: " it's only a necklace, why did you get so defensive"
Raven then shouts "it's not just a necklace" she starts to calm herself down, before telling Octavia why it means so much to her
" my boyfriend Finn made it for me when we 15, it's all I have left of him" she says trying to stop her tears " he's my family, my father was never in the picture and all the money my mother had spare she would spend it on drugs and alcohol, and not on food for her own daughter"
Octavia: " so how did you survive with no food or anything"
Raven continued " the boy next door Finn, he would always share his food with me. He's. y home"
Octavia moved closer to Raven " I'm sorry, I dint know"
Raven: " how could you have known, I'm sorry for shouting"
Octavia: " it's fine, was Finn on the plane, because if he was I'm sure he would be here somewhere on the beach"
Raven smiled "yes he was"
Octavia and Raven then starting looking around the camp for him.

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